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The first island in the game.
  • VideoWizard
  • Added: 03/05/2011 08:00 AM
  • Last updated: 01/01/2025 12:59 AM


Pages: 1
This is a map using placeholder graphics. I definitely don't intend to use RTP graphics for the final project. There will be places you can go to warp from place to place, so you won't have to walk the entire map if you don't want to. If you do, though, there are treasures and you can find items in the bushes, trees and flowers.
This is pretty intense!
An avid lover of Heartache 101
0____o' Sweeeeeet.I really like huge maps like this one.
Looks very nice. Also, I like the scaling touch: the use of full-size buildings across the map (as opposed to 'mini-town') plays across two usually-exclusive ideas - that this isn't a continent, which that much landmass would normally suggest, but neither is it a town, as the buildings might otherwise imply. Between the two, they do a great deal to help sell the concept of 'island'. Well done!

Although I do now wonder about the sanity of whatever forester maintains that stand of trees just across the river east of the icy zone...

Edit: Also, if it won't be a plot spoiler, what's up with that weird grayish river, and the little area it lets out into? Those look strange.
While this does look great. Beware of lag from too many events even with anti lags.
Pages: 1