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Might and Magic doesn't Tsuk!

  • Waxius
  • 04/13/2018 01:02 PM
Might and Magic Tsuk - by Marrend

First Thoughts:
As I've stated in prior reviews, I don't mind games made with the RTP assets and I enjoy seeing a familiar cast of characters used in different ways. Made for the Golden Age of Gammak event, there were limitations placed on the project. One of the goals is to throw in as many RPG cliches as possible, and the engine had to be RPG Maker 2000 (known here as RPG Maker Tsukuru). In the spirit of the event, Marrend's "Might and Magic Tsuk" was brilliantly put together and doesn't suck (Tsuk.. get it?).

Alex is a genre savvy hero, who has saved the world time and again. So when the King needs him to stop an ancient evil, it's up to Alex and Maria to do the job. Unfortunately the teleport-crystals are out of order, and those responsible for maintaining them are having some trouble. Therefore, Alex and Maria will now have to help restore the crystals, so that they can rid the world of evil once again.

Along the way, they'll enlist the help of the witch Cassandra. With a subversion that surprises even Alex, she joins the party without any fuss or side-quests. In anger she manages to activate the first crystal, leading them to the first of three destinations.

Game Play:
Might and Magic Tsuk uses the standard Rpg Maker 2000 battle system. The enemies are on screen and battles begin by touching them. If you choose to grind for experience and gold, the chests and enemies respawn if you leave and come back. As this is a short game, you level up quickly and you will not need to grind for a lengthy amount of time.

When characters reach particular level thresholds, they will learn new skills to make the battles easier and wipe out multiple enemies at once. While I auto-battled throughout the game, the boss battles are more challenging and you may have to use the skills with care and manage healing.

Might and Magic Tsuk is a short, fun game that I highly recommend playing. It can be completed in under an hour and has an amusing story. For anyone new to making games in RPG Maker 2000, this is an excellent example of a complete game to learn from.


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Guardian of the Description Thread
Sweet! The game gets to stay in the "Highly Rated" rotation!

Er, I mean, glad to hear you enjoyed this little ditty, and thanks again for all the reviews!
"Someday I'll finish my game... someday.."
You're welcome Marrend. I'm looking forward to playing your bigger projects too (one's not made for any specific event)
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