For those that would like a more "professional" look to their games.

For those looking to create their own custom installation screen (complete with their own game logo and icon), and for those wanting to have their own game icon show up on the desktop (or on the Start Menu/Programs menu) then you may want to take a gander at the video tutorial I created just for this very purpose. If you are looking to update your game with Bonus Levels/Expansion Packs, then I would also definitely suggest a look-see to determine if this tutorial meets your needs.

The video tutorial is on Youtube, and the link is here:

I hope you find this tutorial to be useful. Good luck on your game endeavors. :)


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This will change Rpg games forever...
WinRar? The whole time?

That's all we needed?


must be all that rtp in your diet
Snotty responses, much? Thanks for the helpful tutorial. I, personally, had no idea how to do this with the icons and install screen.
Snotty responses, much? Thanks for the helpful tutorial. I, personally, had no idea how to do this with the icons and install screen.

Eh it's fine. I'm just glad people are finding it helpful. :)
You saved our hides with this. Thanks a bunch, Kisareth!
Um... I wasn't being snotty. I was just shocked. A free program that everyone has is all you need to make patchable, installable games? I'm thankful someone pointed it out to us.
*Blushes* You guys are awesome, I'm just very glad I could contribute to the community. :)
Nice pointing this out. It's a nice short helpful tutorial. I like the level of detail you put in, seriously. A lot of tutorials are vague, this really wasn't at all.

Thanks, although I didn't really need this particularly, it's very well done.

Well that certainly made my day a lot brighter. :) Thanks Ghost!
The video has been removed. Wuz up wit dat?!
Yeah, I wanted to give that video a look, but it's gone.
Where is the video gone to ? I want to watch it !
The video is gone :(
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