

I Miss the Sunrise

Grats on being featured! Definitely worth the honors.

I Miss the Sunrise

Disregard, I feel dumb. Forgot about one-way routes...

I Miss the Sunrise

Haha, yeah, after exploring certain abandoned compounds in their entirety I imagine TR will be in a massively different light, but I'm sure the experience will still be a positive one. Just because the light is different, doesn't mean it's a BAD kind of spoilers. BAD spoilers would be like the time I had RDR spoiled the day I bought it... and even then. Different light.

Thanks for being cryptic - really. Not quite into episode 5 yet, just learned about
so I'm really not sure how close I am to the end, but I'm appreciative of stuff being held back. I'm loathe to spoilers outside my control :P

I Miss the Sunrise

I wouldn't yet know, though I certainly will in my second playthrough. I must admit, more options than I thought there were at first... Still
sort of depressing having her run around the ship from Tez to Mahk to Chac to Jazzy all first and having only a couple bat eyelids, if that. The buildup is there already, just a bit of a downer
. Always thought the concept of 'the tank gets lonely' would come up eventually. Ah well. Home and tucked in for a night of getting the late-comers up to snuff before continuing with episode 4. Game is still a blast. hopefully I'm not screwing up by playing this before Reconstruction.

Oh, and uh, speaking about Mass Effect I'm a Garrus-or-bust sort of person. Though I guess that's obvious by now...

I Miss the Sunrise

Daszk? I... Didn't actually know that was an option. Huh. Well, that works. And hey, nothing wrong about a guy with issues.

I know the whole 'everything that moves' mentality is one that needs to be avoided in most cases, buuut... I dunno. Tez and Mahk were the characters got their hooks into me the most, and first. I guess I just like the option to be there, being one of 'those' people. Not on DA2 levels (lol), but you know what I mean. There's always headcanon I s'pose

Still, fantastic game, and I fully intend to take a look at the sequel. Also recruited a few characters late so... Going to be extending my binge a bit more before continuing with the main story. That'll teach me to skip stuff.

EDIT: Oh. Just looked at prelim stuff for The Drop. Colour me all kinds of excited - I love me a roguelike something fierce.

I Miss the Sunrise

I registered just for this. I have to say it, I'm absolutely blown away. The writing, the battle system, I can't believe I'm jumping on the bandwagon this late. Fifteen hours have just flown by, and I don't regret pouring my weekend into this at all. Great job!

Haven't quite finished (Almost done episode 4, I imagine), but I'm guessing that I can't just (Yeah its another one of these)
Bash my head against Tez until he loves me by the end. A simple 'keep trying' or 'just compromise' would be good... No offense to the other two options that might have prospects, but... I can't see my character with either. Guess I'm just a nut for stuff like that. Mahk was a close second, but my LAC happens to be a chick. Ah well.
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