Creator of Fey, What’s Left (Steam) and an avid writer, with several short stories and novels under my belt. Currently working on a new Survival Horror Game.
A tale of two unlikely friends struggling to piece together their broken pasts.



Nihilo - Definitive Demo Trailer

Tight, bro

Bugfragged plays: Nihilo (Demo) - Pt.1

WOO! This is rad!

Launch Trailer

Boy that was a nostalgia trip. This is gonna be the best late christmas gift.

Thanks man! Oh, and I recently listened to the RPGMaker Podcast and heard you on there! It was really cool hearing people who I've seen out and about the community for so long! <3

P.S. Finally know how to properly pronounce your name now, too.

Let's Try: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Just by watching the video I can tell what happened, which is helpful. Maybe I'l patch it in the near future, providing anyone decides to use it for anything.

Let's Try: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Fey Featured in top 7 RPG MAKER Games List by TheUnproPro

Thanks Addit! Yeah I like most of the games on the list and it's good that the entire rpg maker scene is getting some much deserved light.

Finger Bash Marathon!

Well then... now I have a double post and with nothing to say... >:}

Finger Bash Marathon!

Just a fair warning, these videos are from the 2012 demo and not the finished project, still a very enjoyable watch though.

Fan Art

That Tau must be such a great guy ;D

I was bored, go figure. Glad you liked them though man. I'm sure they'll be plenty more fan submissions soon.

Personal fave is the last one.

Yeah for sure, He's a great guy. I'd even call him a friend, lol.
As for the fan art, well here's hoping. XD
I also love the last one too, the green and devious look on Picaro's face.

Fan Art

I'd love to see peoples takes on other characters. Like the Vammins, Landon or even the Captain.
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