I grew up nerdy and alone. It was awesome.

I can still remember staying up at night, controller in hand, my face illuminated by the pale glow of my tiny TV set. The games I played growing up were more than just a way to pass the time. I remember the stories, the characters, the music. Later I would make friends over common interests. We would bond over old titles like these because they made us feel something.

That's what I want to do... If one person stays up late, their face painted with that familiar light, and they feel something now like I felt something then... I'll know I made something worthwhile.
Neverspring Chronicles: ...
A street-wise thief on the run from his past joins forces with his long-lost sister against a corrupt and bloated Empire.




"All my games MUST include ruins"

A developer after my own heart <3

Great mapping.


That's why it looks like it's been there for so long. Never could find his way.


I see what he means, yet at the same time I like the style and reference to the original smash bros.


World Map Final Draft


lmao nice one UPRC


How do you get the little music note in front of the skill name like that? That's neat. =)



Haha no, it wasn't on purpose. I was testing different battle formations when I thought to take screen shots of the cast. This happened to be the first one.


Hahaha yeah she is =P
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