

A Rather Important Question: To Switch or not To Switch?

Little confused here. I was always under the impression that the main reason to stick with 2k3 was the graphics. There's a huge variety of resources that can be found for that maker and some of us fatbeards actually like the SNES era graphics.

Anyway my thoughts are finish your 2k3 game. Just do little small projects on the side with the newer makers to get familiar with them so that once you finish your current game you can shift cleanly to another maker for your next big project.

I'm embrassed to have written this.

OK this conversation takes place in the middle of the opening chapter of what I hope will be a science fiction novel. Very much a work in progress and I still need to work out a few contradicts in the subtext but I can't help to think what a normal person would think about it. Since I can't find a normal person. I guess I'll post it on RMN :P


Kateli was reluctant to bring the first order of business up. A literal son of a whore and having spent his entire life in the shadow of Roland’s red light district, Kateli hated the sex trade like an ancient mariner hated the sea. Still despite his best efforts to get completely out of that sort of business he kept stumbling ass backwards into more of it. Kateli might honestly try to focus his efforts on making money ‘any other damn way he could’ but at the end of the day he knew a lot of whores and a lot of potential clients and if ‘Mister K’ didn’t bring them together it felt like he was cheating his friends.

Rachel toyed with the last sausage on her plate, savoring an unstated yet clearly dirty joke, “Something on your mind, K?

Kateli was glad he couldn’t blush. “Yeah about that um… request we got the other day.”

Oh yes,” Rachel chirped up. “One whore extra puffy. Yeah I got it covered, no problem.”

“No problem?” Kateli replied very skeptically, “just like that?”

“Yeah I worked a few contacts and managed to talk directly to the client. Real bitch getting to him through all that security but yeah everything’s set up.”

“Really? Sounded too good to be true,” Kateli replied. “With the kind of money that guy was willing to throw around; he’d be better off just buying a real noblewoman.”

“Security risk,” Rachel answered. “A real puffball, while dumb as a blowup doll and slightly more plastic is going to have family connections, maybe even connections to certain merchant cartels or unfriendly regulators. Can’t use one of the Big Agencies either as they’re all owned by the exact sort of people he’s worried about. On the other hand a nice “independent” girl who can put on a convincing act, is going to be a great deal safer and probably a better date once the lights go out. Our friend might be ridiculously paranoid but he has lot of money and he’s not afraid to put it to use when he thinks it will make a difference.”

“That does make sense in a twisted sort of way,” Kateli admitted. “At least for a foreigner I suppose. Still I got a few reservations about this.”

“Why?” Rachel asked sharply. “We deal with weird shit all the time. The client’s legit, just worried about the local busybodies which I might add we don’t like either. Fuck K, he advanced me a thousand marks to prove he wasn’t full of shit. Like I said I got everything taken care of. What’s there to be concerned about?”

“Just the thought that Warren’s Worlders can be a little rough on the girls,” Kateli said coldly. “That’s why I didn’t exactly jump on this opportunity. Don’t really want to be a part of something like that.”

Rachel grinned and pointed at Kateli with her fork, “See now that’s just ethnic stereotyping.”

Kateli starred at her. This was not the sort of thing he found funny.

Rachel cackled, “I didn’t say it wasn’t true, only that it was a stereotype. They might be a bunch of macho gun-toting fucktards who all have daddy issues and yet somehow think they’re the greatest fuck ever but that’s no reason to call them names, or anything.” Even Kateli had to laugh at that. Vicious biting sarcasm was Rachel’s specialty after all.

“No,” Rachel continued. “The end client is the Captain-Owner. Concordian, real gentleman type too, from the sound of him. The Warrener, that’s the First Mate is just setting things up like a good friend.”

“That doesn’t always mean an easy call,” Kateli answered. He was preaching to the choir here but it had to be said. Rachel might do most of her business ‘not on her back’ these days but she’d been raped at least four times that Kateli was aware of.

Rachel smirked as she knew exactly what Kateli was thinking, such a typical overprotective man. “I managed to discreetly check with my contact in the embassy. He’s some kind of war hero or something. Rich as fuck too, even if he’s careful to hide it.” Rachel rolled her eyes, “seriously K, Courtney can’t wait to meet this fucking guy.”

“Wait? You talked Courtney into this?” Kateli stammered. The nice giggly ‘party girl’ would not have been his first choice for this assignment.

“Didn’t have to talk too hard,” Rachel said cheerfully.” Five grand to be arm candy at the sort of party she’d probably love to go to anyway… and our Friend Captain is the guest of honor! Giving Courtney the chance to completely show up all of those dumb snooty bitches? Fuck yeah! She’s in.”

Kateli looked stunned for a moment. Then shook his head, he was baffled by the whole situation but the money being offered for this particular request was simply too good to pass up. “Ok, ok, it’s just I keep telling people I’m not a pimp and they keep coming up to me with this shit.”

“Maybe if you wore a normal hat?” Rachel fired back. “Fuck, maybe we should drop everything else and go straight into the whore business?”

Kateli had to groan at that hat remark. His purple fedora had been his trademark since he was a teenager. As for the other thing it was getting harder and harder to keep saying no to Rachel’s rhetorical questions on the subject. Kateli had always kept as many eggs in as many baskets as possible as insurance if nothing else.

“Well I think the whole thing’s funny as fuck.” Rachel blurted out, breaking the silence. “And if you’re wondering why the Warren’s Worlder came to you, turns out you did him a favor the last time their ship was in port. Impressed the fuck out of him, whatever you did.”

Kateli vaguely remembered wandering through the red light district with the John Lee’s rather impressing looking first mate looking for a half dozen missing crewman and then finally finding that navigator-assistant in a hotel lobby overdosing on some ridiculous cocktail of designer drugs. All in a day’s work and it certainly hadn’t seemed like anything special at the time. “Okay. I’m just wondering if Courtney’s really cut out for this sort of thing.”

Rachel had to smile at that,” Trust me, Courtney is easily the puffiest girl we know. Hell, half the time she’s got me convinced she’s just slumming with us peons.”

Kateli took a very deliberate bite of his meal but made it clear he wasn’t completely buying Rachel’s arguments.

“Oh come on,” Rachel teased, interrupting Kateli darker thoughts before they could completely form. “I’m having Kevin fly her out in a goddamned air limo. She’ll have a fucking blast.”

“Where did you get an airlimo?” Kateli asked honestly impressed about that.

Rachel smiled, “Well you’re not the only one around town who can scrounge things. We’ll put it back when we’re done with it. No biggie.”

Kateli decided to leave it at that. “Okay next on the list. What the fuck is going on around town? Lot of rumors and I don’t like any of them.”

“Local branch of the Green Hand Mafia is breaking down,” Rachel stated, “Going to make for some fun times.”

Little things that can ruin your day?

Or have some regular porn handy to cover up the (seriously I don't want to know what you're into) porn.

NicoB's Let's Tries/Plays! *REQUEST YOUR GAME HERE!*

Just a quick note. Your Let's Try of Iniquity and Vindication was by far one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. NicoB, LockeZ, great work even if I was cheering for the sharks.

RPG settings

I remember one setting I had where gunpowder based weapons were extremely vulnerable to enemy magic. So armies always used bows or crossbows. A rich merchant or nobleman might carry a pistol as a surprise weapon but that was about it.


Very very happy to see a game like this. Might be a while before I get around to playing it but I will at least give it a try.

Having trouble kickstarting my plot...

Common enemies make for common interests... and a certain betrayal once those enemies have been defeated.


Thanks! It looks like I'm starting rewrite three :P It would be easier to start a new game but I'm just so attached to the characters.

Resource Museum

Most resources have been stolen so many times no one can remember the original source.


Even if I didn't necessary enjoy this game it was a real eye opener as to the sorts of things that could be worked into an RPG. Glad to see you not giving up on it.