I'm a dog pirate
Indie developer.
Winner of the 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Event. Four monsters have been turned into humans!

My Completed Games :: a playlist on

Deckiller's completed non-community games.

  • Decky
  • 10/13/2013 02:07 PM

Zephyr Skies: The Winter...
Nathaniel Everard must unravel the mystery of a kidnapped girl and an elusive sage...
The Encephalon
Can you save a digital Heaven? Made in 15 hours back in 2010.
Terence's Tribulations
Made in 20 hours. In the land of Aremen, Eric recruits Terence for a quest that will bring back his honor!
Super Doki Doki World
Doki Doki world is in panic! Mario & co. to the rescue!
Five: a 24 Badaptation
Winner of RMN's 5-hour contest. Jack Bauer has to save RTP Land in five hours!
Final Fantasy XIII-2k3
Behold the "epic" project that tied for third in the Four Hour Challenge...
Carlsev Saga: Episode I
Twists and turns abound in this ancient fantasy thriller of an RPG. My first game.
Deckiller's Return
Deckiller's first completed game in almost two years! It's a short SMBX game, but loads of fun!