I am a wandering gamer of sorts, plus I would like to test games as well that peak my interest meter! =|



Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost Review

Trust me as one of the beta testers I became addicted to this game, however my addiction was to see what has changed and what is going to happen at the next town or village? How tough the boss will be?

Overalls, I enjoyed playing/testing it your review is most appreciated, Megalosaro. Good luck!! =P

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Roy did you choose to be one who seeks not the company of friends? Did you full understand the psychics reading? No sidequest at the house, unless you picked the company of allies for Azuli.

You will find that key later my friend =P

Final Version is Released!

Good news indeed!! Hope you guys like da game! =P

Heroes of Umbra

Looks quite interesting! I will give this a new subscriber to your list, Me...

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

Cool! I am glad to have helped you, Orias. In testing your game, also that Lazamanus is crazy powerful!! Lastly, I don't think I used any genes I got from breeding I guess that's why my Hargon died in the final battle!

Dragon Quest: Legacy of the Lost

I have finished the beta, and had a good time completing the game. The story is kinda like the dq7 with the shards, however it is a bit different when you jump right into the game.

This game is tough (and grindy) and will take you some time to grind to a good lvl for some of the region sub/bosses, but it's best to do it anyways in order to get some monster items for alchemy purposes.

Lots of secrets hidden and in plain sight, if you look well enough. Overalls, when it is ready give it a try and it will challenge you in each area, including tricky sidequests.

Time to hustle, before I fall behind the Funkybirds!! =O


Oooo interestings...

Approaching the End: Quick Questionnaire

The Room of the Saints in the Great Shrine is the place where it could be. My idea is that a hidden wall opens in the middle of the room there after you defeat the final boss.

Then the spirits of the Saints talks to you.

1st Saint "Heroes who protect the timeline and restore new life upon saving the islands from their demises, and hardships come forth and test your will against this trial, even we could not complete."

2nd Saint "Be wary heroes for what lies ahead shall be your hardest battles, so be on guard if you don't protect yourselves against the darkness you will be consumed by it."

3rd Saint "What lies deep inside this shrine is a unknown evil, and the spell we used to seal it is now being broken as we relay this message onto you it grows closer to being released from our bindings."

4th Saint "Heroes may your courage vanquish this evil from the world you are the only ones who can accomplish this trial!!"

All Saints "The Sealed One awaits... be the light that halts the darkness."

And that's my idea IF you wanted to make the post game dungeon.

Approaching the End: Quick Questionnaire

I am quite happy to see that it is almost done! I look forward to playing it again, and seeing the new challenges that are stored inside. I would ask these three questions:

1) Which monster arena will be stronger the past or the future?

2)I would like to test the final version out as a beta tester again once it's ready.

3) Lastly is there going to be a secret optional boss that's much stronger than the final boss in the Trial area you had in mind? Because it sounds like a nice idea plus I know the perfect place to put it.

Respond when you have time!


Three Regions Left to Go