Upload let's plays on RPG Maker Horror, Dark and RPG Horrors. Wanderer through the realms of the land of the lost, seeking to make a name for oneself as they travel to find a better tomorrow!

Where else to find me:
Tumblr: http://flareblitzedyt.tumblr.com
Gamejolt: http://gamejolt.com/profile/flareblitzed/786430

Gmail: koeiflareblitzedrpghorror@gmail.com



Black Crystals

The visual aesthetics are amazing! <3


Hey Ryoku, do you have any tips on how to deal with the rings that spawn with the green eyes near Memory 5/6, keep dying on that part with no idea on how to deal with them. :)


With a good mixture of both rain and sunshine, will that lovely flower house grow larger? :P (Absolutely adore the art put into this Aishin!) ^o^


Guess who subbed? Me! >:)

Na, it was secretly Magnolia who clicked "Subscribe".
Hope Expiatora will keep you company, the wisps here shall give you warmth.


Those wisps are fiery like flares, bright and beautiful. Bubble effect on the title screen is simply amazing! ^o^


smells like gay (>o>)
I was thinking the exact same thing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also maybe move that letter up a tad bit? Looks like it's about to fall off the table.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You guys...:P

Issue with RPG Maker

Is the RPG Maker you're both using on Steam? With that, Steam can cause synchronization issues which is an extremely unfortunate case.

EDIT: Look in your recycle bins to check if either of you accidentally deleted files while working on FFK, it may sound silly but it can happen. Also, perform a search on your computer for one of the files that were deleted (if you remember the file name(s), one will do and the rest will be with that one).