Upload let's plays on RPG Maker Horror, Dark and RPG Horrors. Wanderer through the realms of the land of the lost, seeking to make a name for oneself as they travel to find a better tomorrow!

Where else to find me:
Tumblr: http://flareblitzedyt.tumblr.com
Gamejolt: http://gamejolt.com/profile/flareblitzed/786430

Gmail: koeiflareblitzedrpghorror@gmail.com



The Story After

Hello, the "Colors of the World" puzzle is either displaying the wrong numbers, or the mechanics in the game are not acting how they should.

2 Left Orange, 18 Left Red, 3 Right Orange, 7 Down Red, 3 Up Orange, 4 Left Red.

If you follow the orange ones only, nothing happens, if you follow only the red ones nothing happens, if you follow both orange and red instructions nothing happens, if you follow both orange and red instructions excluding the 18 left as that cannot be performed, nothing happens. Either the numbers need to be re-arranged, the mechanics within the game need to change so that they correspond with the numbers shown, or there's a hint that's not visible with the hints given.

EDIT: The darkness area in general is absolutely big & mindbogglingly difficult for any player.


I'm currently playing did, but the way you write out the formula doesn't make any sense, the @ symbol is not even a symbol used in any kind of mathematical equations. A better way of writing out (see hidden info) would be appreciated.

EDIT: Did you have any beta testers to test your game, because it's either that the font you are using make the quotation marks (or squares) look like squares, or that this formula is some rocket science equation only geniuses can solve.

By the way, "Box" equals one of those white blocks/boxes.
"Box" g? "Box" h
"Box" +"Box" =2"Box"@"Box" +"Box" =1
"Box" +"Box" =0"Box"@"Box" +"Box" =2
"Box" +"Box" +"Box" ="Box"H


The font is in between too simple and unreadable, well done to both @Eredoh and @Nedras for the design of this menu along with the rest of the screenshots so far! ^^

Flowers for Kasumi

Flowers for Kasumi, and to Nedras and Eredoh I wish you both all of the best tehe! ^o^

But my question is, who is Kasumi? xD

Rosary Of The Reaper: Intro

Rindre has a great voice! ^o^

Hide, Hart

After talking with Anne, I got this Error message pop up.

"Failed to load: img/pictures/dark%20filter.png"


... Where else is Arcadea?? Is there a demo that we haven't seen???

Do a search on Arcadea on tumblr. :)


"arcade machines seem to glitch around her", reminds me of that cute girl in Wreck it Ralph that couldn't escape the video game she was in because she was a glitch.

Lovely to see Arcadea on here tehe, the artwork is beautiful as always! ^O^


How dark and sinister is that, the violets are super pretty! ^O^