Everlasting Journey
I'd be glad to Beta Test it for you. The game sounds interesting and I still love playing RPG Maker 2003 games now and again.
Done and dusted.
I'm really looking forward to it. The game was already amazing, so I've been waiting and watching for it to complete. Big congratulations to you on getting it this far, too!
LEARSON - Chapter One
You should be able to jump down in the bottom left corner.
If you can't then I'm not sure what's causing that.
Okay, it worked this time. Not sure why it didn't before. I'm relatively sure I pressed enter at every corner of that place.
LEARSON - Chapter One
LEARSON - Chapter One
After Ralph meets with the fortune-teller and it switches back to David I don't seem to be able to leave the building that he's in. I've gone in all directions, hit enter at each point and I seem to just be stuck in there.
LEARSON - Chapter One
I'm liking this so far, but one thing I'd like to mention, and I don't know if it's intentional. Do you mean for there to be no items to cure poison? All the antidotes you can buy are for paralysis and not poison. So you have to go all the way back to a save point to get the poison cured if you want to have it cured.
The other main question is whether you intended for the first merchant you meet as Ralph to sell you potions that give you 500 HP, versus all the other merchants selling potions that give you 100.
The other main question is whether you intended for the first merchant you meet as Ralph to sell you potions that give you 500 HP, versus all the other merchants selling potions that give you 100.
The Screenshot Topic Returns
author=Dudesoftauthor=FleetingInfinityQuestion 2: did they kill each other from that far apart, or would they have been locked in melee combat? What if you had them near each other with blood on the ground?
The soldiers mostly were like that because they were two different armies though, yeah.
Makes sense, I'll put them closer and look for something that shows a little better. The grass is darkened beneath them, to give the illusion of blood having soaked into the grass beneath them, but only a little.
Edit: Though they wouldn't have quite killed "each other" in combat the way I see it. One of the others would have killed one, then they would have moved on and lost to another, and so on. I should probably still put them closer though.
Thank you again.
Edit Two, Revised Screenshots:
The Screenshot Topic Returns
Image 1: I'm not sure if you have the two different death poses segregated like that to represent two different armies, or not. If not, try to mix up the posed soldiers so it looks a little more diverse. Wouldn't hurt to add something else, like logs or something. I'm complaining just 'cause.
Also, have you considered a thunderstorm or rain for effect/mood?
Image 2: Trees too uniform. Could use some scattering, and use different tree types as well. If you put two trees overlapping, you can use an Above Hero event to overlay the tree sprite, to give it a different look, too. As is, the trees here are a little too perfect. Imperfection is where it's at, unless this is a orchery.
Image 3: Same problem with the trees. Not bad map so far, though.
Image 4: If you reduce the right side of the shop one square, you'll achieve symmetry... Otherwise, good map.
Thank you for the feedback, I'll definitely try out some of your suggestions to improve the maps. The soldiers mostly were like that because they were two different armies though, yeah.
Desperation Of A New Era
I was able to download Part 1 by clicking on the Downloads Tab itself and choosing it, but the link to Part 2 is indeed dead.