Currently developing my first (real) game, Volonte. May make a page soon!


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Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Good luck!
I lost my arms in a tragic chibi accident
Um, use cool screenshots, try your hand at css, even if it goes a little wrong, just a colored background can look cool, and always write a detailed description, and maybe even check it's good at the Descriptions thread :D

Edit: Also Good Luck!
Thank you!! When I make the page i'll try to do it. It'll probably look broken, but that's okay. :D

I'm currently stuck in the 'look' of the game, I have the game's plot down and stuff (rewrote it a few times), but I am still trying to choose tilesets and character sprite types, looseleaf or XP, I didn't want to go with the classic RTP and characters.

Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Thank you! Do you have any tips?

Completely missed this. Sorry!

CSS is just flashy wrappings, honestly. When submitting your gamepage, focus more on conveying what kind of game you're making. Work the images and description in tandem with each other to to back you up and shy away from prettiness just for prettiness' sake.

For screenshots, include some variety to showcase different aspects of your game, especially the ones you feel most confident in. Are you proud of your dialogue? Throw in a shot or two of particularly clever lines. Feel like mapping is your strong point? Include some (in-game) shots of environments. Remember, you're trying to convince someone who has no idea what kind of game you're making that you've put more than 3 seconds into its creation.

Again, though, variety is what'll score you the most points in the images. Three shots of the same map with different dialogue boxes won't get you very far.

For the description, well, that's gonna vary by game. Like the screenshots, convey at least the basic idea of the game, flesh out the parts that you particularly want to focus on (plot, gameplay, etc.) but avoid writing a wall of text. A general story outline, the basic gameplay premise, and a list of core, eye-catching features ought to be enough to satisfy the 500 character minimum.

But hey, don't just take my word for it. The Lord of the Queues herself wrote an article about game pages. So yeah, check that out.
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