RPG Maker user, focused more on battles mechanics.



Final Fantasy Discovery

Will you be using Golbez's old or new sprite since FFBE released him a while ago in Japan?
Which new sprite? i searched and could not find anything...
There was a newer variant of Golbez released in FFBE, with a more detailed sprite based more on his original art.

Damn, curious to see it :D

Final Fantasy Discovery

Will you be using Golbez's old or new sprite since FFBE released him a while ago in Japan?

Which new sprite? i searched and could not find anything...

I Want to Bring Her Back to Life but I Don't Know Where to Start

This definitely needs more attention! i have seen that those stupid and boring default RTP Rpg Maker games get even more attention than this.


Looks brutal, i imagine how those abilities show in battle...


HOLY S**** That is BIG, man...


Man, i love how everything looks so beauty and modern... release the game NOW

Cloud Ability Showcase

What RPG Maker do you use?

I will never leave RPG Maker VX Ace unless Theo Allen moves his battle script to MV (Which is unlikely to happen).
Plus i am more familiar with Ace, i feel like MV is all about the higher resolutions and stuff like that to make a HD game or something of the sort (?)... anyway, VX Ace rules!

[ARTIST FOR HIRE] Anime/visual novel/Chracters/CG


Damn, this one is hot hahaha