Why are you here? shoo, away with you, get off my profile you will track dirt all over the place...



Video thread!

Think i found my new ringtone

post your picture

Kill the moustache. Please.

Otherwise, you look surprisingly normal for an angry forum nerd! Good work, I guess. Except the facial hair.

I have to say the exact opposite, you need to grow MORE

post your picture

What are you thinking about right now?

I woke up playing my DSi, and it was off

I double facepalmed

Making mockups of your game

It may be cancelled but i'm interested to see what you do with it (the grass was supposed to be more dull with more dead grass patchs but never got around to it)

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

My cusion made me play black ops, last time I listen to her opinions on gaming

Remember the fallen


Remember the fallen

Despain - Previous admin or RMXP.org/HBgames. Is now in jail for having sex with his minor cousin.

Seriously? So the RPGMaker community now has a wincest & Loli story!

Stay classy guys.

Whatchu Playin': Big Boy Screenshot Topic


This is one of those games that everyone needs to play. No spoilers please, this game is very twist heavy, any comment about the plot of the game beyond what you'd read on the back of the box is likely to spoiler the hell out of it.

God I love this game, also is it just me or does young Snake look alot like Gillian (yes I know hideo made both)

Show and tell us your city/town/village/hamlet/whereever you live!

Well i was born in Sydney Australia (New South Wales) but I now live in Northern Ireland and i like it here better so NO AUSTRALIA FOR YOU

anyway right now everything is white, the roads are ice and it was -13 outside for almost a week (not sure about right now but its not as cold)

Just copy-paste this over and over agian and you will have seen Ireland. don't you feel happy!