Why are you here? shoo, away with you, get off my profile you will track dirt all over the place...
Square Enix loses all sanity, announces Final Fantasy 13-2
I'm glad they gave Level 5 Dragon Quest, at least SE can't fuck that up.
Why can't they just let it die, there turning Final Fantasy into Star Wars, shit after shit after more shit
Why can't they just let it die, there turning Final Fantasy into Star Wars, shit after shit after more shit
Littlebigplanet 2
I pre-orded mine ages ago, but GAME doesn't start putting them on the shelfs untill the 21st, which makes no sense seeing as Media Molecule is a british company, fucking sony
BEST boss tracks on RPG's
Other M is a Rpg?
Oh and fail for not putting MMBN5/DS on there.
Out of all of those you pick Metroid and not TF2 for not being an RPG...
Console War
Ahh, the GameGear and Lynx battery life is back.
edit: poin 5) is pretty much guranteed. It WILL not sell FAST at the start.
Ever heard of fanbois, puts that statement into the shredder
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Console War
author=Natookauthor=Chairmandrekwhere the hell do you get your logic? seriously?
The DSI itself came out not to long ago. The 3DS will probably not sell to fast to start. In fact, it may not sell well at all and Nintendo might lose money per handheld. (Sony is doing this now.)
He is a little right although for the wrong reasons, People are having rage fits at the fact that if you play it for more then 15 or so minutes it hurts your eyes like a mother fucker, It has a shit battery (Three hours) oh and lets not forget nintedo told everyone "don't let kids play the 3DS or they will go blind"... Sure are alot of bright minds at nintendo, I'm not getting it, My DS lite and DSi work fine as it is.
Video thread!
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Question of the day (for men):
do you ever pee on to the side of the toilet bowl so that its not as loud?
Favourite (Non-RPG) Boss Music
I hate the second part of the battle, that prison thing always catchs me, though the second part is extremely easy with bass
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author=slashphoenixauthor=uhi don't see the connection at all but i burst out laughing at this
Even assuming that it's always faked in pornography, you'd think a country surrounded by so many species of stinging jellyfish would be more progressive about people peeing on each other
I'm not sure if its true but apparently if your stung by a jellyfish if you pee on the wound it helps with the pain, but I read somewhere that it can just make it even worse