welcome back radiant historia~~


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on the other timeline it is a franchise spanning 5 titles already

extreme disappointment
didn't this already come out next year
i've just beat it yesterday actually! and just as I spent a couple' hours optimizing my party to take on the final boss, I beat it and google it to see its tv tropes pge (the best glory of beating a game) when suddenly "NEW RADIANT HISTORIA TITLE ANNOUNCED -1H AGO", which means they probably felt i deserved a reward for beating the last boss or something lol

well, there are a few grips i had with this game but overall it was a fantastic, superb experience and i've analyzed and hopefully learnt a lot of things from it like:

-how it turned 5 towns, 3 roads and 3 dungeons basically into a potentially 60 hour spanning game (i beat it in 25 hours but thats because i used Vanish to avoid every single encounter and get super underleveled to the final boss XD which is super doable btw bc other than skills levels dont provide nearly as much stats as equipment)
anyhow, this whole thing about reusing areas is great for a graphics prick like me who likes to stay a decade polishing the same town and making sure it looks perfect. i think we often start devving with this thought of doing a linear continuous path of places that are never revisited, like, say, Final Fantasy X (my favourite FF)
That being said, the places could have been reused in more exciting and refreshing ways.

~ the tiles. oh the tiles. I know its 3D but there's a LOT i can learn and observe from that and apply to 2D tiles, especially since I've been wanitng to experiment with 32-bit, PSX-ish tiles with high color counts and elaborate textures. The palettes for the scenery in RH are also great, with lots of mystic blues and greens thrown for good measure, soft but organic textures on most objects, distinct palettes that makes each area remarkable like Alistel's teals and greys, granorg's ivory floor... anyway a full plate of visual references

but yeah i cant help but feel the game was really low budget despite all the talent XD the busts had only one expression, seeing the satyr dancer girl scolding Aht with that psychotic smile was... unsettling

places that were burning down were not even tinted, just some fire particles here and there, the field sprites as well were rather poorly animated and lets not get into the spell animations, but even so there's so much to learn from it!
I'm really glad I played this.
3DS? Aw.. well!

Still lovely to hear that : ) It is a really cool game.
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
It is?! Holy crap hyyyyype!
You're magical to me.
I really enjoyed the original but never beat it XD A really cool game tho! Interesting to see it getting a remake.
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