

Inherited Sins

The game itself looks cool and all, but I can't get over the fact you named your protagonist "Aryan."

It might be best to change his name.

What do you mean? Is there something wrong with that name? I gave that name to the protagonist by one of the characters of The Witcher 2.

Inherited Sins

Couldnt get far in this game. After opening the door with the first golden key, game crashed with "Script 'Effectus' line 1906: TypeError occurred. no implicit conversion from nil to integer"

Well, I didn't expect that. I think Mithran's "Picture Bug Fix" script may be the culprit. I'll upload a new version without that script.

Zelda: The Trident of Power DX

Pizus, I'm really waiting for this game, you know that.


Orochii, soy yo o estas screens son exclusivas de este sitio? xD Que están muy bien, me siguen recordando un juego de RM2K.


Lakria Legends

Hey Koopa, for some reason the side party abilities are bugged for me. When I use the abilities in those seals on the ground nothing happens.

PD: Sorry for my bad english xD.

Lakria Legends

I'm really loving this game. It's very well designed,the sidequest are really imaginative in some cases and that adds some points to your game. The story is a bit cliche but the development and the dungeons are great, so no problem with that.

Great game Koopa!

Umbral Soul

I'm really loving this game. The characters, the story, the balanced combat system, its everything to well designed, maybe my only complain is the mapping. I think it could have been better.



Always loving your use of the default battle system.

Ara Fell Greenlight Campaign

Good luck BadLuck (lol). I really love Ara Fell, one of the best RPG Maker games I ever played and a source of inspiration for my projects in RM2K3.


This is a true masterpiece, good job Ashes, I really enjoyed this game. That zelda-style gameplay adds some extra points to this game.