Dangling somewhere on the threshold of life and death, prepared to usher you into the depths of the undead...



Do you have real friends?

I've pretty much lived my entire life without any close friends. I have had more acquaintances than friends, really. I never really alienated anyone, so I could fit in with almost any social group (I could flit easily from jocks to nerds to alt rock hipsters), but I never really connected with anyone, either. I was also kind of an odd child with an overactive imagination. That coupled with the fact that I was almost always the "benchmark" that my peers measured themselves against kind of distanced me (I was the "smart" kid and the "athletic" kid, and I so it was always a feat of "Ha! I beat Kenton!" whenever anyone bested me in a test or sport or whatever. I have many stories if anyone is interested). I was also quite shy and nervous around girls.

I preferred my own company (and still do, quite frankly).

I have had some "closer" friends over the years but I never kept in touch after we separated, though.

I am probably 95% of this. The other 5% of me sucks at (but enjoys) sports and prefers gaming.

What RMN game are you playing now?

The Way. Giving myself infinite facepalms for not having found and played it till now.

Script request for a face with text script

Ccoa's UMS is(was) most widely used, but she's removed it now over some legal issues. The only link I could find was :

I suggest you mess around with RMXP for a week or so and get your feet wet. Note down any questions you have or anything you may need help with. Post them all together in a single topic rather than creating multiple topics every time you need help. That way we can help you better since we know all your issues from a single thread, and can provide help with all your issues through a single post.

What can you do with squares? (VX RTP Mapping Contest)

Maybe I should ask this when the deadline get's closer, but to people think that they have enough time? Extending the deadline will be no problem.

I was thinking 1 month is a lot of time just to make a 20x16 (or 17x13) map. I don't think you should postpone the due date, all frequent RMNers must be aware by now. Even 15 days is plenty of time.
Oh yeah, I'm in. I'll submit my map towards the end, maybe.

@drakiyth: Looks good dude! You made good use of the Shift button.

Multiple Antagonists

Not a legit foresighted event I think. If the Oracle could foretell the future, he would have known that he would be defeated in the end. Then he would not have tried to save the player by foretelling event "x". Or maybe he's a playa and likes to gamble, so he helps them just to see if he can really handle them in the end. That is so not the typical Oracle.

What can you do with squares? (VX RTP Mapping Contest)

Haha, I was just joking. I like making up stories. Maybe twisted, but based on facts after all :D
OK. No more off-topic stuff.

What can you do with squares? (VX RTP Mapping Contest)

@Kentona : classic map, a bit overstuffed (the pink cushions for hades, not too obvious!), no default! oh just : too much light for the Underworlds, in my taste.

Two pink cushioned seats for the women Persephone and Demeter. The chair of skulls is not in the map. Hades is obviously not home. The women are having fun in his absence. They switch on lights because they get font memories of Mt. Olympus :P

@Lennon: Nice map. You've mapped the trees pretty well, they look completely random.

Tale of Exile Act I Review

Personally, I don't find passability errors retarding my gaming experience, unless they cause some horrible glitches or take me to places I shouldn't be in. However, they do slightly reduce the overall appeal of the map.

I see it lumped in with graphics a lot.

To be honest, now I'm confused. w/e ^_^

And I'm not holding anything back, I have nothing to add that I didn't already say. : )

I'm glad. :D

What can you do with squares? (VX RTP Mapping Contest)

The pillars have skulls on them. Those are not normally found in ordinary throne rooms. There are three chairs: for Hades, Persephone and Demeter.{/nerd talk}

EDIT: The skulls could also be masks, but I prefer skulls.

What can you do with squares? (VX RTP Mapping Contest)

I thought there was a no-events rule?

Well, it was removed to allow users take advantage of waterfalls, chimney smoke and bonfires.
Your map looks like... Hades's throne room in Erebus. TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL! MUHAHAHAHA!!!