Super Coolgame! Just Kid...
Lighthearted game with four girls in the forest.



Escape from Greyrock

Thank you. It has, indeed, progressed. I guess you know which ending I got.

It seemed good... ish. I got to reunite mother and child... and it only cost dozens of innocent lives ^_^;

I wasn't trying to be a jerk in the game, but most of the choices weren't really black and white, and you'll almost certainly have to betray someone at some point. And I accidentally doomed everyone in Lightharbour. I did save everyone from the giant robot, though!

Escape from Greyrock

It was fun, though at least one ending seemed to be glitched. I seemed to just be "stuck" inside a house after I finished the game.

Right after escaping the prison after defeating the ancient robot.

Actually, it happens regardless of whether I let Chal sacrifice themself, whether I sacrifice myself, or whether I beat the robot. For note, my party is myself, Chal, Layne, and my treacherous girlfriend.

Momo's Adventure MV Version 2 Demo

It's OK, you're right. Considering the demo ended almost immediately after Heart left the party, not retaining her equipment wasn't all that big of a deal.

Mother was pretty tough, mostly once she used her corossive acid attack. She's the only time I died in the game, though. The jellyfish were notably hard, but I was able to manage them both. Mother's guards looked scarier than they were. The poison slimes were really annoying, but could usually be killed easily before they got a chance to attack. I learned quickly to make sure I did just that! The overall difficulty wasn't too bad. It'd definitely be nice to have like a cure-all potion chest right before Mother to make sure you've got one going into that battle, though!

I've played mage Momo a lot more than warrior Momo, though that may just be me. I can easily see players liking having a strong default attack, but I was very much into mage Momo.

Karin had her uses, but I'd never vote her MVP.

Shinichi is great as bait, and getting enemies to target them in harder battles is particularly helpful

Shinichi's heal spell wasn't really useful, especially before you can buy ether. The magic cost is too high versus just using a cheap potion that anyone can use. Ether is a commodity on the beach in particular, and is a huge waste to spend MP on healing.

Heart is great at killing things. And great at being killed, so yeah, had to keep her protected.

I need to play and try the passive skills more. It was so long before I had any passive skills that I usually forgot they were there by the time I finally learned some. I kept forgetting I had no passive skills in the beginning, but then I kept forgetting that I did have passive skills later on XD

The Falcion you get at the beginning is so much stronger than the pirate cutlass you find later that there seemed to be no reason to even touch that, even with the extra critical chance.

Potions and ether were very useful, although since you couldn't buy ether before the final dungeon, I had to really watch how I used MP. The food items I guess were a fun touch, though they're pretty much just potions you couldn't use during battle. Except in emergencies, I used the healing items between battles, anyway. Still a fun touch.

I can see it being useful depending on how someone wants to play, but I thought the energy fragments had too high a price to pay in defense to make wearing them worthwhile. Crysyla's mirror, ring of spirit, and even the common bronze ring were all worthwhile to wear, though (and in the case of bronze rings, sell off extras you didn't need).

A lot of those common weak items aren't bad, really, since while not great, they generally don't come with any downsides, either. A lot of the stronger items come with a downside and you have to judge whether the cost is worth it. The energy fragments were really the only equipment where the punishment for wearing it seemed way too high, though.

My last save, after Mother and back in school, was 2 hours 45 minutes of playtime.

Focus never seemed worth using. 8 SP never seemed worth skipping a turn for.

For Momo, shell had limited/no use, depending on whether the jellyfish's poison counts as a boss. It's not worth using against regular enemies, and while it would be great against Mother's corrosive acid, it doesn't work there. Replenish mana was great before I could buy ether, so I had at least one character whose MP I didn't have to worry about, but rainbow barrier was her best special, which could really help against certain battles.

Magic blast was more expensive and usually weaker than fire blast/lightning blast, and also more expensive to use, and I pretty much never used it after a while. Illusion was worthwhile for harder battles, though.

All of Heart's specials were worth using, at least for harder battles, and using the easier battles to build up SP. For her regular skills, I used mighty swing, lightning ball, and earth slam pretty regularly, especially once I could buy ether.

Shinichi's provoke was worthwhile, what with them pretty much being the team's tank, and provoke making them even more tankish. Iron defense was useful only occasionally, but it was a godsend for the few times I did make use of it. Shield strike was nice too.

Skill-wise, heal was a huge waste of MP before you could buy ether. After you could buy ether, it was slightly cheaper to use their heal spell than to use potions, but even then it didn't seem worth the effort to use MP to heal. Aura slash sounds overpowered, supposedly dealing 360% damage, but it clearly didn't do even close to that much damage. Seemed about the same amount of damage their regular attack did, and didn't seem use using much. Cover was pretty much a cheaper version of iron defense. Not as good, but only 8 MP, and definitely useful. And barrier was definitely nice for harder battles.

For Karin, wind rush was not usually worth using, and fatal strike was pretty much useless. Metal rain was good, though. Shuriken was a good, if somewhat underpowered, "hit everyone" attack. Battle stance and fog were good for harder battles. Wind strike was rarely used. If I figured out which enemies were weak to wind, it might've helped though I didn't know what might be weak against it.

I really do want to state again that I really enjoyed this game ^_^

Momo's Adventure MV Version 2 Demo

Sayuri I hope we find more about. She seemed like a nice girl before her death. I wonder why she wants to kill people now. Maybe Momo was the daughter of that thief, and it's like revenge on that guy by trying to kill his daughter? I dunno', just grasping at straws. I hope we get to understand her more later on, anyway.

Mother... evil as she was, I kinda' felt a little sorry for her, too. All she wants to do is love. And she has a horrible way of showing it. Guess that comes with the whole territory of not being human. She loves the children, but only on her terms.

If there was a way to push the third big red button, I couldn't find it. I could only find two gold bars, and I couldn't figure out any other way of pressing those buttons.

I'm not sure of a good way of consistently getting past Mother's corrosive acid attack other thah "hope you still have your heal-all potions, 'cause you'll need 'em." Or "pray." The shop in the dungeon only sells the cheapest potions. If there's a better way to deal with that attack, I don't know what it is.

It's not something unique to your game, and I know a lot of games do it, but it was still annoying to lose all my equipment Heart had after I beat Mother. I found her and (mage) Momo most useful in battle, so they had all the best gear, except I wound up losing all the gear Heart was wearing.

If you have any specific questions, please ask. The game was pretty fun, anyway!

Sweet Middleground

I can't figure out how to get past the very beginning of the game. I've clicked on everything I could find multiple times, and I'm just stuck inside the house, not able to leave, or anything.

Magical Machi

Poor Yuna.

It started as a cute little game about Machi being adorable, and Aki and Fumiko being adorable... and then turning a lot less adorable ^_^; But I really enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun!

One of the challenges was annoying in a bad way, though:

In the "spot the difference" challenge, I had a lot of trouble, because I counted five differences (the colors, the direction of the bunnies, the crack, the line under one of their eyes, and the leash), but the right answer was 3, which was the second-to-last thing I guessed.

Fruits of Talent

That was fun, though the puzzle that felt the hardest was the first puzzle after the flower, which was a relatively early puzzle. Well, except for the second puzzle if you solve it the "wrong" way. If you try to solve that puzzle the seemingly obvious way, pushing the topmost grey boulder north and out of the way, the game freezes at the leaf, since the boulder stops at the spot your character is meant to walk to later on. It wasn't too hard to find a different way to beat that one, but having to restart because of the game freezing wasn't fun.

Also, was the girl's name meant to be kept a secret until the very end? It kinda' felt like it at the end, where she formally introduces herself to the peacock, but the status screen kinda' gives away her name early on ^_^;

That being said, the game was fun, and I really loved the girl! She was so stubborn and fun XD

Babysitting the Brat

On the sites you have a download for this game, the font is super tiny and often completely unreadable, but the font is bigger and easier to read in the pictures you posted here. Is there a version of the game somewhere with the bigger, easier-to-read font?

Babysitting the Brat

Poor Lemon. This looks really cute.

Super Coolgame! Just Kidding!

@CashmereCat Thank you. I'm glad you like the name. I have to give credit to the artist for that one, though. I was having trouble coming up with the name, and she picked up on something that nicely acronyms into the main characters' first initials.
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