I am a 19 year old college student who loves visual novels and RPGs! I'm looking for a good and thrilling story.



Dear Mariko

Holy crap, that plot twist was so creepy... I love this game so much. Nice and short and still gives me the creeps. Is it just me, Coren, or have you stopped making happy endings entirely since Ribbon of Green?

Six Rules and Dear Mariko are both really scary and depressing... while Ribbon of Green started off depressing and ended off bittersweet and a little happier. You are such a troll, Coren-senpai. I like your shockers, but I ended up crying so hard after Six Rules you don't even know...

Make a happy ending next time pleaseee (especially for Crimson Rafflesia and Mica: Apoptosis I just want everybody to be happy I'll cry if any of the main characters die)


Cool. I'll check this out.

Mica: Apoptosis

Oh I didn't notice you got new art~ It looks really cool! ^_^

The Longing Ribbon

This game has very good atmosphere, and I like it! I guess the story falls a bit short, but it was overall a very entertaining game.

Mica: Apoptosis

Another psychological thriller by Coren Baili-Senpai? I'm in~!

Six Rules

A very cute and heartwarming game... ouch. That was cruel. I should've seen it coming, but I just didn't want to believe that it would. Perfect example of a twist ending done to horrific and beautiful effect. And I hope you'll do that sequel eventually!

Will work on a review soon enough.
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