


Your cliff edge is really square. Break it up perhaps? Seems like an interesting character though.

LT Pirate Rush 1

The commentary is...uh...pretty awful. Love your game though!


This looks really good!

vacant sky's failure and the trends of selling rtp to stupid humans

This has been a thoroughly fascinating thread and I read every single post. I'm not sure what else I can contribute to the discussion that hasn't been said already said. :)


Oh, I really like this skin!


I agree. These are some fantastic screenies!

Music Sample

I was self taught but I really wish I had learned music theory first. I did a semester as a music major in 2002(?) at a college and then I recently re-enrolled in a community college two years ago to study music. I'm dual majoring CIS right now because I am not really good at networking and selling myself (which is practically essential to make money as a composer). I've had some major epiphanies about music in the last year and I'm eager to show off what I'm working on...when I get around to working on them. Mostly I've been playing around with all the really fun scripts that people have written. :D

Yeah I have some more subtle tracks for different areas cooking up--for example the music for the initial ice dungeon is really ambient.

Oh and I don't mind the derail. ;)


Thank you! I'll have some more up hopefully in the future. I have a bunch of unfinished pieces I need to finish.

Music Sample

@Noel_Kreiss - Thank you!!

@Sana - I'm just a guy with a ton of hobbies but I don't have a lot show for it. I guess now would not be a good time to show off some of my character illustrations. :D

@Happy - I struggle a lot with really capturing the feel of an orchestrated piece although I'm getting better. The pacing on this piece is a bit intense--I've thought about slowing it down a bit. It's a character theme for Rook and I'm not really sure how I'm going to use it in the game...I thought maybe something akin to the way Crono's theme is used for heroic moments.

I'm twice over a music major but I don't have a degree or anything like that. I've been working on music on and off for 18(?) years--although for the last ten it's been fairly sporadic. I used to write a lot more when I was a teenager.

bullying Warning

I've seen a lot of rude comments on this site and I can't believe the lack of respect some people have. I understand this is the internet and with it comes a sense of disassociation from reality that empowers certain people to show their worst qualities.

Not everyone here is extremely talented at writing, graphics, music, mapping or whatever it happens to be they are doing. What they are doing is putting themselves out there in a very personal way. When a person chooses to shit all over someone else's creative works they choose to shit all over the entire community and what it stands for. I can't even understand how anyone would view this behavior as acceptable given this is mostly a hobbyist club for nerds/geeks who likely at one point in their life got bullied (raises hand).

I personally believe in heavy praise and only offering criticism sparingly or when asked for. Even then I try to keep it light. Most people here need encouragement more than anything else. You never know when someone might be thinking of throwing in the towel when if they had kept at it they could have ended up being the next Shigeru Miyamoto. I for one welcome more good games into this world.