Avid game fan from since I was barely big enough to hold a controller.



Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Wakeela's finished design, story and all that jazz will be up by the end of the month. Just been kinda busy here so I haven't had the chance to do much lately.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Also, have a new version up.
Where? I'm only seeing the older versions, even after hard refreshing the screen!

Take a closer look at the hair and shading I've added to the limbs and face. Then tell me what'cha think.

Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

Hey, people. It is to the betterment of us that inform you of the fact I managed to seriously injure someone. Again. -.-'

How on earth didja do that?

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

As I said before, it's only a draft, so it's not entirely finished.
Oh. I didn't catch that. I'm so sorry. *embarassed T-T*

That's cool, because I want my tachi to be as quality as the rest of you guys'. It'd suck to have an awesome story but a pathetic graphic, and I want to add to the game, not take away from it.
Also, have a new version up.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Nice, MountainEys! One question, though: What's up with that white-ish line between her blouse and skirt?

Oops! That's where I was moving layers around. Guess I forgot to fill that in. Thanks for catching that.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Reattempted Wakeela tachi design.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

but the toning also got lost somehow in the process of coloring her skin, and the latter as well as the edges of her body are in... eerie... contrast with her clothes' shades. It's the equalient of her popping out of a cartoon and dressing into real clothes. Neither of these would be problems if not for this mix; there is nothing bad with your work in itself, it's the combination of your artstyle and the standard.
What program or technique did you use? I had no such problems when I recoloured Kyouki's skin.

As I said before, it's only a draft, so it's not entirely finished. I wanted to get what I had so far up for critique.
And I was using PaintTool Sai.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

I'd feel a little better about dating this gal if her smile were just a tiny bit smaller, but lookin' good! Did she leave Kenya to escape an arranged marriage? :P

The second one is more of an other2 laughing state, which I just could not get the expression right with.
Actually, I hadn't thought about an arranged marriage, but that would actually fill in a bit of a gap I was having problems with in her case. Wow, awesome, I've got a new idea now! Thanks, flowerthief!

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

I think I know what you intend with that hair, but it's coming across as flat. Maybe some highlights would do the trick? What's bothering me more, though, is that blush. I dunno. I have no experience with Africans blushing, so I could be ignored on this point.

*Edit: The head-tilt you've got is pretty sweet, though!

Yeah, I need to rework the blush and pop in some highlights, for certain.

Content creation (artistic, 1st archive)

Here's a draft of a character I'm going to add!

Thought I would upload a few sample designs.
I'm calling her Wakeela Omondi. She's going to be an exchange student from Nairobi, Kenya. She'll have both Kenyan and Japanese heritage and be more of a sporty, off-the-wall sort of character.
I have ideas for others, but since I didn't see any characters similar to her design in hair and skin tone, Wakeela came about. What do you all think?

EDIT: I'll have redo up later.
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