

Tutorial: Make A Good Game.

author=WIP link=topic=1551.msg24632#msg24632 date=1216612891
You have just listed what you think doesn't make a cliched game.

author=Nightowl link=topic=1551.msg24312#msg24312 date=1216370203
Let the mastah of puppatz tell you how to make good game.

He also made me think of Metallica

Alphabetical Order

I won't take that bet because I'm sure you're right ;)

Alphabetical Order

I would actually rather see the games list to be able to be filtered by the status of the game development ( I rather play completed games myself, because demos leave cliffhangers for me and I don't like that too often, but I will play the occasional demo if I think it'll be worth my time, like Starless Umbra and Reality: Path to a Shattered World ) Or a filter by maker, as I do not have VX or XP so I cannot play any of those games. :-\ But hey, that's just my personal thought.

Tutorial: Make A Good Game.

@ Nightowl:
Items and Skill Names:
You used Hellfire twice, WHERE'S THE CREATIVITY MAN?! Although I agree that creative names can help, games rarely use names like that unless they're powerful items. A Sword of Courage shouldn't replace a simple Bronze sword. I agree with Karsuman, that things like this don't make a game good.

The plotline:
The time it takes to make a plotline doesn't tell you if it's good or not. Some people just might be exploding with creativity and it only takes 5 minutes to create a golden storyline. Or a storyline might also be a placeholder and the developer is just trying to present the gameplay of his game, not a story. Also, rarely do people actually steal a plotline from a game. The only time you see a resemblance is whenever its a combination of a lot of games, and the creator is normally very young and doesn't produce a complete game as it is. They really usually steal characters from games, but not the plot.

Music: Well, the music from those games is actually good, so why not use it? Some people don't have the ability to go and create perfect music for every situation, but they can at least get music from a good game. Also, some people might not recognize it right away as well. Also, the Terranigma comment about it being a good game and people not playing it often doesn't relate to music as all.

I also don't believe this is a Tutorial, as you haven't shown people how to do anything, which is the sole purpose of a Tutorial. You pretty much just said all generic games suck. The way the developer has used names, storylines, music, gameplay, etc. is what makes a game good IMO. Not all of those things themselves. But hey, if I just need a Helm of Destruction and Holybane The Dragonwhisker to make you happy, then by the level of your standards, you'll like pretty much any game.

What are you playing?

Burnout: Revenge came a few years ago. I'm not a huge fan of racing games, but this one is so ridiculously fast paced, and rather fun to play, I let it slide. It's not lasting entertainment, but it's definitely a blast whenever I do play it.

Sonic and the Black Knight

The Great Purge

Skills/Virtues you have or wished you had.

Eh, thats the normal response to snare playing. There's really no good way of convincing you that playing snare or quints is ridiculously hard either.(assuming the music has high standards along with the fact that most of the drum features in a show are insanely fast along with visuals) Which, the band I'm in has all that. So basically we're playing an instrument at much higher speeds along with visuals. Also, you can play different notes with a drum with hammering just in different sections of the drum and hand placement. So I strongly believe playing the snare is a lot harder than pretty much anything else in the band, IMO. I'm also not too shabby at it and mistakes are rarely noticed. I guarantee the crowd is always amazed by snare playing, and only amazed by colorguard if they stand on 20 ft tall poles and do 5 back flips coming off of. Which will never happen in the marching band I'm in considering if they jumped off the 20 ft tall pole (assuming they could get on top of it) they'd cause an earthquake hitting the ground.


Nice Jinx Neophyte!

Screenshot Shogunate

@ YummyDrumsticks: How did you do the reflections in the water? Also, do they ripple?