


nevermind,i dont play it anymore..i dont push my self to play this game..i have better things to do!


i downloaded your game and play it,when i save the game in slot 1 then it pops up Save1.rvdata could not be found or it is missing..


Save1.rvdata could not be found,i cant save it!!please help!!i want to play this game!

Legionwood: Tale Of The Two Swords

i have a new question,i know taht im closer to finish it,where is altair located?

What games are you looking forward to?

Legionwood a tale of two swords
Laxius Power 1,2,3
ahriman's prophecy
Final Fantasy XIII
final fantasy XIII-2
visions and voices

Legionwood: Tale Of The Two Swords

thanks,ive waited for 4 days...

Legionwood: Tale Of The Two Swords

Legionwood: Tale Of The Two Swords

i need a replyo now cause i completely dont know what shall i put the two numbers in order to unlock the button in ice caverns!!


the boss is very big!

Hayate no Gotoku! Dream Apocalypse

thanks a lot, internet connection is low..and i downloaded the other game but it said Runtime RPG Maker runtime package 2003 is not registered..