

When does Design overtake Fun?

When does Design overtake Fun?

imo you should really have your player have an awesome skill but it takes a while to be able to use it, like in Final Fantasy VII, with a steady stat. growth.

If you make the character weak it would make the game A LOT Harder, which would probably be annoying and would get you bad reviews, and if you make the character overpowered what kind of game is that?
You would basically skip half the game! (Of course I would think you know all that.)

But I would always think the fun of the game matters more than the quality of graphics and how many scripts it has. (Although I wouldn't play the game if it looked very crappy, or it was just attacking not any special moves.)

In the end I wouldn't want to play a game with no story, but still I would play it if it had AWESOME battle features.

On First Projects

Thx, for the advice. I think I'm going to use a simple RPG Maker engine, because I don't know ANYTHING about scripting, and I heard that for some you need to do a script for side battle for some engines like RPG Maker VX. At the start I knew that my game wouldn't be awesome, because I'm practical, but I do want to have the whole game experience interesting. I personally would have a hard time making a simple game! You definitely have a good grip on how to make a great game.


RMN first caught my eye by a game called I Miss the Sunrise. It looked very interesting, and it would take real skill to make an awesome game like that... While looking at the game I decided "Hey, why don't I make a game myself?!", so I signed up. I'm a novice, so I guess the game won't be TOO good. I'm refraining myself to just RPG 2009. I hope I can get supporters of this game, and does anyone know where I should go for resources? Well, I have a life so I won't spend days at a time working on it, so it will take a while for me to make the game. I just want to have fun making and playing games, that's all.
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