Greetings! I'm Quienn, 15 years of age.

Hobbies include : Drawing, singing, video games and watching shows (any kind really)

I've actually been on this site since 2012-2013 but I've never signed up till 2015.

As for making games, I've started on many, but I've only manage to finish one so far and I hope to make a RPG Maker game someday.

I also plan on releasing tileset resources for others to use and I'm actually working on one now. 8D

Deviantart : quienn.deviantart.com
Instagram : @actualquienn
Cafe Closedown
A visual novel made for the No-RM event



Santa Fanart~

Thank you! 8D

[CLOSED] Secret Santa Sign-Up

Let's Play: Cafe Closedown

Thank you for making a let's play of this game! ^^
I like the voice for the fangirls haha

Second Saturday Scores

Wow, I also didn't know this existed haha.

Let's Draw! Galactic Super Police Characters! -Event Over!-

I'm up for it!

Cafe Closedown Review

Thanks everyone for playing! 8D

Cafe Closedown

Yeah I shouldn't have drawn a chibi version haha
I wanted to draw a non chibi one, but I was running out of time since I had a day left and quite a few things to draw then.
Thanks for playing! 8D

Cafe Closedown

Thanks for the review!
Credits for the music are also up, but I'm not sure if it is suffice.

Cafe Closedown Review

Thanks for writing this review! 8D
I just realised that I didn't put the credits for the royalty free BGM and SFX on the gamepage so I'll go do it now.
I might even develop this game further to make a happy ending, who knows?

Cafe Closedown

Thank you! 8D
I dimmed the sprites manually, which was painful since I had to change images after almost every sentence D8 I wish I knew how to do it with code though.
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