

EVERNA FireHeart Legacy VX

Congratulation :) (eh bener game ini yg juara 2 kan?)

Beautiful Escape: Dungeoneer

This looks.... fucked up.

Demon Legacy

Just played it and it's amazing so far, should have done it a lot earlier. One thing though, the spike tiles is annoying, and I think it's buggy. A single spike hurt me twice, and send me a tile back twice. Imagine if it happens in the narrow passages with one spike every one normal tile.

Eden Legacy: A Knight of Eden DELUXE Edition

Reading your previous comment, shouldn't it be this game that scored high, and not the original one? I don't play that game though, so I can't really judge here. But this colored version looks sweet, I'm going to try it when it comes out.

The New Adventures Of Billy The Kid

god you are so damn quick

Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages

Ah, I remember this! Looks good, I'll try it out when you upload it here
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