

Manifest Review

You soon as I read your reply I went and put on my big boy panties along with my thinking cap and realized I didnt have Mr.V in house and that he had BURGLE. Whats the word I am looking for here...............oh yeah... DUHHHHHHHHH.
And werent you the tricky one to put that last piece of wood in plain sight and all the time Ive been in there LOOKING!
I was proud of myself and my poor math reasoning to have figured the code in the next area but now I am in a place with railroad tracks, a room with lights and tombstones which I have no idea about, so Ive come to a far-off heal/save spot...thank God for those...and a dead end. I am sure to backup to those damned levers and find an answer no doubt.
Youre an evil child arent you? If youd be so kind as to say how that zoom on the world map works? Ive used my mouse and keyboard buttons and nothing zooms except my frustration in trying to find it. No doubt this will be another DUHHHHH moment for me.
Thanks for being so kind as to helping. A walkthrough really would have been a worthwhile venture and much less taxing to you from so many players. Thanks again.

Manifest Review

Hey! Thanks for responding. I DO see those turtles but I dont see any other option than to kill them even though it was mentioned not to. I was thinking that last piece was in some sneaky sly place and now I see I was right. What about that cave I cant burn though and the zoom feature that Littlebro mentioned above....and the red button?
Once again thanks for responding!
Whats the next game in the works?

Manifest Review

Hi so far I am enjoying the game. At the moment I am trying to find the last log in order to escape the island. I cant find the last one anywhere although I keep seeing a cave covered by foliage. I already had a skill which burns through those but this one wont burn and I suspect the last log is in the cave PLUS the area where the snapping turtles are.
I read above where the map has a zoom feature...I will go and would surely help. Also I read where eventually I get a
I DO wish there was at least a rudimentary walkthrough.
Where is the red button to turn off the game? I have been using my START button to leave the screen and it takes me to the desktop where I can close it at the bottom.
Once again I am really enjoying the game.

Class Tiers

A great game but I am having trouble recollecting what I am supposed to do next. I wish there was a walkthrough for the game other than the few hints I have found. I am in Part 4 and dont know what to do in order to go into the desert w/o being finding myself back in jail. Anyway, O am surprised someone didnt make a nice little walkthrough. This is a really good game though and it is keeping my attention. I woul;d like to see whatever new game you come up with.