gotta go make those games!!!!
Long Way Home
After his ship is wrecked, all he wants to do is go home... But it's not that easy.



Opinion on Fangames

It's not like that in any way is a guarantee for quality, though. Often, I found, it's quite the opposite.
Fangames aren't inherently bad, if you actually put time and effort in.

People that didn't play or like the original probably won't be playing the fangame, which is also something to consider. On the other hand, you might get some players that searched for "Naruto" or whatever fangame you're making...

The game I'm making has a pretty big fanbase but it gets a lot of hate from time to time. There's also some pretty well known RPG Maker games for it too.
One thing that I can't get over is that I've never seen a decent map in any of the fangames, ever.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

It's my turn...? I think?

A mansion for a noble.

Not sure if I overdid it.

And a pub without the effects.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Decided to practice some Parallax mapping while I'm waiting for my partner to finish his part of our game. (Image has been resized to fit on this webpage.)


It looks like there isn't going to be much in the map, so does it need to be that big? If so, you could put more trees around the outer part of the map. Try adding some plants or tuffs of grass here and there. Since you're using parallax mapping you could use clumping as well.
The shape of the house is really weird too.

If that's an overlay I see, I like it. If not, idk.

Opinion on Fangames

Not completely sure if this is the right place to post this topic... If it's not someone correct me...

But out of interest, what do you guys think fangames need? Is it a good idea to create a fangame? Is there certain things you shouldn't make fangames of? Do fangames lack anything that stand alone games have, or do they have an advantage instead?

Just asking because I'm creating one right now.


Anyone know some good historical sprites for VX?

I'm looking for some Victorian-ish sprites for my game in VX Ace, please help!

NPC Faceset

I'm pretty sure I've seen a faceset for this set of sprites:

I'm pretty sure I've seen one before, but I can't find it.

If so does not exist, I would like to request one.
Please make it in VX RTP style faceset. Thank you.

EDIT: Never mind, found something that will do in my files. Sorry for wasting your time.

Let's work on your game descriptions!

I'll take a look and let you know back here ... Here it goes (hope it helps; all changes are suggested and the meaning of what you wrote is kept or expanded upon slightly):

Klaus, Chester and Claude are all friends, enjoying themselves on Halloween. Suddenly a mummy appears out of nowhere, transforming Klaus and Chester into pumpkins, and, Clause into a balloon!

When they wake up they find themselves in a world full of spooks and monsters... a world where every day is Halloween. The only thing for them to do is to track down that mummy...

What sort of monsters will they meet along their journey? What sort of places will they go to? Will they ever get back home? And if they do, will they return as their normal selves...?

I'll see what I can do with that :) Thanks.

How to make a 'caught' system?

So, obviously from the title, I don't know the proper name for a 'caught' system.

What I'm looking for is a system where there is an enemy and you have to avoid it's line of sight to avoid being caught. If there is a proper name for it, I'd appriciate being told that aswell.

I've looked in 1 or 2 games I've downloaded, and seen how it works (both of them used different ways) and I know that it's possible without a script, but I've having trouble with the eventing for it.

Please help a troubled rmner!

Let's work on your game descriptions!

The description for my game. I am absolutely aware it's terrible, and I wouldn't even play a game with that decription, but I can't pinpoint how to make it better.

Any tips?
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