

Zendir: A New World

Thank you I am enjoying now ^o^

Tristian: Lady of the Lion

this game seems good... so good ~ (^ω^)

Porcupine Princess

It seems good... so good ~ (^ω^)

The Here and Now of Yesterday

yay ^^ I've Finished, the game was so hard at the end but... I managed. Thank you for the beautiful game and I wish for everyone a good luck ~ (^ω^)

Eden Glosbe - Episode 1

This game looks so good :3

Zendir: A New World

Let's give this game a try shall we :3


So interesting ^o^

The Here and Now of Yesterday

I did it, thanks for the help. Ohh and I thought that the shadows was for the Maze haha ^///^ Sorry and Thanks ^o^

The Here and Now of Yesterday

Hi, I have reached The room filled with shadows and I used them but, I'm still stuck Is it broken or have I mistake :)
"Sorry for my English"

Seer Dell: Dragon

This game is nice. the funny thing is... I died at the first fight LOL XD
It's funny how you did the story and the characters. I wished for more but i don't mind, I had fun X3 haha Peace.
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