I have a fairy in a cage next to my computer. I feed it peanuts and Diet Dr Pepper. When I want ideas, I beat it with a wooden paddle.

I pretty much only do music for games now. I have good ideas for story or gameplay every now and then, but I'm not good enough to make it happen. If you see me as the developer of a group game, you can rest assured that I'm doing the music and really just acting as a sounding board for the other developers.



Eyes Without a Face

The mapping in this is superb (which is to be expected with both YDS and tardis on the same team). When can we expect a release?

I should add like a bucket or something in the corner of one of the maps so I can mooch off their talent and say I worked on visuals :)

[MAFIA] October Werewolves

Hahaha, this is why I love mafia. Oh the drama!!

[MAFIA] October Werewolves

B-be careful DigitalMonk, you might get the finger of suspicion!

Sounds kinky.

AHEM!! Sorry, my fingers spasmed there....

[MAFIA] October Werewolves

mmmmmk, so now that I'm finally home and after I read like... 5 pages of forum posts (which mostly consisted of pointless bicker). Basically, we haven't learned a whole lot. My first instinct was that Kitsu was a townsie, but he has accused sooooo many people in just one day that I'm rethinking my first impression. It's very common for a mafia to freak out and just starting accusing random ppl one after another until someone bandwagons. He even said at one point (I forget to whom.... Natook I think?) that Natook was suspicious of him because he was mafia LAST game... Obviously since the roles hare randomized every game, roles in previous games have NOTHING to do with the current one. It's just a really desperate accusation. I'll be honest, I'm not 100% confident that he's mafia, but he's my best guess. Plus, people are just getting riled up by his posts and we're not getting a whole lot of investigating done.

/lynch Kitsune Inferno

[MAFIA] October Werewolves

Hey guys, really sorry I haven't been posting, I've been super busy. Hopefully I didn't come in too late. I'll post again later today with thoughts and such but right now I've gotta run!

Craze Hates Dungeon Crawling

1. No random encounters
2. Have puzzles every now and then

Werewolf Sign Up!

How do you play? I'll do it. :)

This soundtrack geteth no love anymore

Anyone here heard of a game called Total Annihilation? Ya, didn't think so. That's because it was outshadowed by Starcraft which was released right around the same time. Well anyway, It's a fantastic little game with one of the best orchestral game soundtracks in existence. It's simply amazing, take a listen:

Original Soundtrack

The game or soundtrack size? Anyways that's great how Muse is getting an original soundtrack.

The 30 minutes I have of the soundtrack so far is 45 MB. I have no idea how big the final file will be of either the soundtrack or the whole project itself.

Original Soundtrack

So, seeing as this page has been far too quiet for a while, I'll give this quick update:

Currently, the soundtrack clocks in at 30 minutes. I'll estimate it'll end up at roughly 45 minutes.

Fun Fact: It's currently 45MB.