I have a fairy in a cage next to my computer. I feed it peanuts and Diet Dr Pepper. When I want ideas, I beat it with a wooden paddle.

I pretty much only do music for games now. I have good ideas for story or gameplay every now and then, but I'm not good enough to make it happen. If you see me as the developer of a group game, you can rest assured that I'm doing the music and really just acting as a sounding board for the other developers.



If you are wondering what is taking so long ...

I think the game needs to be overhauled as a thanksgiving game.... Carrie is heading off to her Father's house for Thanksgiving dinner. :)

Original Soundtrack

The game or soundtrack size? Anyways that's great how Muse is getting an original soundtrack.

The 30 minutes I have of the soundtrack so far is 45 MB. I have no idea how big the final file will be of either the soundtrack or the whole project itself.

Original Soundtrack

So, seeing as this page has been far too quiet for a while, I'll give this quick update:

Currently, the soundtrack clocks in at 30 minutes. I'll estimate it'll end up at roughly 45 minutes.

Fun Fact: It's currently 45MB.

Voting for Puzzles in BQ5

I haven't completed all the puzzles yet, but I'll give my 2 cents on the ones I have played so far...

Prehistoric Zack
Really neat engine for this one, far better than I could have ever done. The only problem was that it was tough in a non-befuddling way and more in an action-y kind of way.

The Great Kaboom
Hilarious concept, I really really liked this one. I wouldn't call it a puzzle though. Either way I enjoyed all ten seconds or so of this one.

Lost Way Chapel
Another darkly funny puzzle. Not too tough but enjoyable to play.

Don't Feed the Troll
Whoever made this puzzle is clearly a genius with devilishly good looks.

A Hole in Time
This was a nice clean puzzle that was tough enough to keep it interesting but not so much to make it aggravating.

Space Station of IQ
I thought this one was quite funny. It was also ironic that there were so many grammatical errors (some intentional, others not). I had a lot of fun with this one though.

The End of the World
Talk about creepy, wow. This one was really well done and was very innovative. It reminded me of a certain place in WoW (in outland) where there's a desolate town literally crumbling off the face of the land into the abyss.

Another Portal
Once again, Kazesui shows everyone up with his superior RMing skills. This puzzle was neat but it was just plain too hard for the wrong reasons (being super unforgiving for example or vague about what needs to be done). I could really see this being its own standalone game though, the building blocks are all there.

The Offspring Paradox
This puzzle glitched for me somehow.... (spoilers).... I walk in, fight mordred, then the old man comes and thanks me, then I've beaten it. It seemed oddly short/underdeveloped so I did some snooping and found out that there's more to the puzzle that I didn't get to see. If anyone can help me on this, the concept sounds really enticing.

The Ice Age
The problem with this puzzle is that there wasn't much befuddling to be had.

Zone of the Endings
With the exception of a screen-pan glitch that left my screen stuck, after I tampered with the file, I saw the neato end. I only wish there was one last befuddle to be had.

Overall, this was my first befuddle quest and I really enjoyed it! It was tons of fun and I'll definitely do something more elaborate for my next one.... which WILL happen, RIGHT KENTON?!?!?! The only downside was that the puzzles weren't in chronological order like they should have been.

I still have a few more to play before I give awards, so stay in touch!

Paper Drafts

Very nice. You can see how fresh the screens look, they don't look like they were improvised in RM. That's the great thing about paper, you have no limitations. Let the limitations come after the creativity, not before.
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