"You wanna know what the difference between 'success' and 'failure' is...?
It's their spelling, pronounciation, and definition."
-Torque McFearson

Welcome, please enjoy my complimentary words: Ficus, amble, ludachristianity, moist caverns. I am mostly an amatuer writer and a self-chastising escapist. I try to make you laugh, because it's a cheap and easy way to get people to like me. I'm also older than you think... no, not that old.. back it up a bit.. yep, right there, that old.

I'm trying to write games that reflect my humor, my odd insights, and my existental dread. I'm working on my sole project: a modern/cyberpunk, dark, character-centric mystery; full of suspense and offset with quirks and humor — no.. not blade runner, why does everyone keep saying that? (And yea.. that was an em dash, so you know I'm a real writer. Alt+0151, come at me.) I may release a demo before then end of the year and plan on releasing the game in 3 Episodes.

In regards to everything out of my mouth:
Don't hate me, I'm only kidding.

Sources of inspiration: Media and sentient life.
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