Perfection & Secroma
A short story about a ghosthunter and one of her adventures.


Spell/Grammar check this Tutorial please

Hey guys,

A while ago I've been helping out some guy with his tileset problem. Some months ago I got a request for making that information available through a tutorial. I finally got some time last week to write down the tutorial, but as suspected the thing got turned down because of spelling/grammar mistakes.

I managed to set my texteditor to English and took most of the spelling errors out, I think... (except for the ou = o issues, I like to use English English as much as possible).

As a Dutch citizen, not really used to writing big heaps of text, it's pretty hard for me to get the grammar mistakes out.

So could somebody please grammar(/spell) check this for me so I can submit it again, get it approved and can just remove this from my to-do-list.

The file:

Thank you in advance!

RMXP RGSS X Coördinates Window_Target + question about expressions

Hey guys, this must be the most stupid question ever, but I can't help it. I'm currently trying to work my magic on the RMXP default menu and I stumbled upon a problem. I've looked into the scene and window methods of "everything" (as far as I can tell) that has to do with dealing with the skill tab in the menu and I just can't seem to relocate the target window.

At the moment when you select an item/skill in the left part of their respective menu a target window will pop up at the right side of the screen. I didn't test it, but I guess when you select something in the right side of menu the target window will pop-up at the left. I'm trying to get this thing to pop up at the top left corner (normally 0, 0) but I just can't seem to find the right line for it. I thought I had found the solution when I found this line in scene_skill, but it didn't help me much:

102 @target_window.x = (@skill_window.index + 1) % 2 * 304

I thought I could simply change it to 0 or delete the whole line.

So could somebody help me with this?

Next to that, since you are reading this topic anyways, I would like to ask what this expression does "%". It's used in the described line and it make me wonder about it's effect. It must be something small but I couldn't find the awnser in some of the online libaries and tutorials about RGSS and the help file didn't help me much either.

I feel very stupid for asking these minor thing, but I hope you guys believe me when I say I've tried to do my research before posting this topic.

Thanks in advance =).

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