I'm only 16 years old and i plan something big this time. If i don't become a Wrestler, being a game producer shall be my plan.

I hope you enjoy my works and see you soon. ^-^



Mapping Tutorial - Dungeon Hall

Well thanks for the tutorials. It was pretty interresting and i think the map from my game looks better!...i hope. ^^

do i have to wait that my game is accepted to put a download of the game?

Yup. Wait a couple of days and you'll be fine!
Pretty sure that's the case!

Thank you both. ^^

If i had to make a weird and Psychedelic game, should it be a RPG or a 2D plateformer? give me your thoughts!(sorry for bad english)

There is the Psychodelic Assassins squad which is a 3d shooter and downright awesome.
It is all possible .. but it depends on what you want to do exactly, and where you see it working better.
Anything goes if done right.

That's pretty much true.

If i had to make a weird and Psychedelic game, should it be a RPG or a 2D plateformer? give me your thoughts!(sorry for bad english)

RPG is probably the way to go. Unless you want an action(y) trippy game, but it might take away from the experience if you're more worried about jumping, dodging, fighting in a platformer.
The RPG will just generally be easier to do and pull off I think.

Look at Space Funeral or the multitude of other weird, trippy games on RMN. Most are more RPG oriented and turn based battles.

You're probably right. thanks for the tip. :D

If i had to make a weird and Psychedelic game, should it be a RPG or a 2D plateformer? give me your thoughts!(sorry for bad english)

"Weird and psychedelic" is really just flavor. The underlying structure doesn't make a whit of difference.

You're basically asking, "If I were to wrap a gift in red wrapping paper, should the gift be a book or a toy?"

Oh ok. Thanks for the tips. :)

If i had to make a weird and Psychedelic game, should it be a RPG or a 2D plateformer? give me your thoughts!(sorry for bad english)


hyped to see if my game is gonna be accepted

are you prepared to pay the ultimate price

xD. Of course.

hyped to see if my game is gonna be accepted

Good luck! :D

thank you.^^


OOOOH YES! That game! I can't wait to play that bad boy!


I like the whole world. It haves these old 3D games type of feeling. I like it.^^
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