

The Screenshot Topic Returns

You're a photograph and don't know how to use/ own any photo editing programs?

The Screenshot Topic Returns

@Jude I was sure photobucket cant upload pngs for a moment, but than I remembered I already did that before with the caves, so nevermind.


For scaling I made this code:

Place a paralel process somewhere in the lowest tile row with this code:
Var Oper: Set, This Event Y Coord
Var Oper: - , Hero Y Coord.
Branch if Var is [set a number of vertical tiles from the event to the spot - at the row you want your hero to change the sprite, add another of those directly below that changes the sprite back to before, like if the number was 2 here, make 1 in another branch)
And yeah, finally, a line for changing the char sprite. This way, I'd add a lot of char sprites with different sizes, because without a smooth transition, I'd rather stay with keeping sizes or it makes things only worse.

And on a sidenote, if I may give you some tips:
Remove the outlines of your characters, make smoother transitions on the shadows. If you use Photoshop, make a layer above the sprite,, bind it as a mask and use a small smooth brush to remove outlines and make light/shadow transitions.
This is also the issue with the bridge or any other cvombination of photograph and sprite/chipset. The outlines make it look cut in, as well as the monotonous colour does. If you zoom into your BGs, you'll never find a single pixel with the same value and color next to each other.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

First, thanks for the link, I've searched hours for this and couldn't find it, and especially this forums are so slow for me, it takes like 1minute to load a page >_<


Thanks for the compliments.
I've prepared quite well. making paralax BG at 640x480 they fit 1:1 into a 40x30 map, which makes it a lot easier to plan everything. Not just for plaxing the above layer objects but also because I could draw with a template layer in photoshop, that showed me where the tiles are. This way I could define those things, like not having pathes between 2 tiles and such things. Certain compromises need to be made though, like the bridge, I prefered making it a bit skewed but sacrificing that ability to move over it in one line (you have to push up/down at one moment for complete crossing).

About the general discussion: Who actually said that chipset is 2D and Panorama is 3D? I implemented some chipset maps, and they're the same quality, just with less variety.

My characters should fit into the style, I drew them by myself as well and made them look as realistic as possible. Considering that they are reduced to an enormously small size, this might seem impossible, but the thing is, most things people see in your pictures are illusions of what you want to see. Seeing certain color and shadow combinations automatically makes you create a form in your head, interpretating it into something. This can be used with pixels as well. Oh, but the biggest thing, the standart charsets of rpgmaker all have outlines, and the shadows have no transitions, just like a cartoon character, this flats them out even more.

On top of everything I did for a realistic touch, I use tinted screens to make character and map color always get closer to each other. I've even added charset changes in certain spots because of light effects. Like a blue shimmering tunnel from the right will change my sprite, giving it a blue shine coming from the right.

Speaking of characters, just finished my 3rd playable character battle animation. I might be going to make a video though, because seeing the sprites alone doesn't really give you an impression of how they look animated.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Depth and control issues could be handled by just eliminating tile-based movement and handling collision detection and depth via a grayscale mask. The higher the white value of the pixel at the sprite's coordinates, the larger to render the aprite, with solid black pixels being obstructions. There are workable solutions to this "problem". Also, bulma's example image is ugly while White_Rabbit's is very handsome. He clearly has an aesthetic sense that you don't so I'd trust his instinct when he starts integrating sprite objects into it.

I remember like 10 years or so ago, I found a way to break out of the tile-move system. But I couldn't find any tutorial/patch for 2k3 in the past weeks.

Is rpgmaker2k3 unable to understand subtractions?

Uh, well, you wouldn't think I was torturing myself with this code if I hadn't been trying it the other way around before? :P
The thing is, in battles it seems like only the first branch is triggered, while the others are ignored.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Look, I've been a 2D artist since over 10 years, I think I can tell pretty well what I have to do in order to create the Illusion of 3D or not. It's not a matter of the technique but how good you work it out.
Besides, unlike the cave, which is in a fitting perspective, maps with depth, you still could make the sprite smaller or bigger when it walks closer or moves away further.

Besides, the pictures as I've posted them are already in the perfect state with a resolution of 640x480 and 256 color depth, you could take them and load them into your rpgmaker as they are right now.

Last thing, it's always best to judge things you have seen, all we have here is some map pictures, not what I did with them after I added them into the game.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

Thanks. These were the plans, as far as it's possible to follow my scribbles. I've replaced the backgrounds with the artworks for you (they were sketched as well before I started).



Why shouldn't it work? It's just the same as any other game using a chipset with a paralax background.

The Screenshot Topic Returns

I've decided to work with Panoramas instead of Chipsets. I only use the chipsets for elements on the map that are supposed to show up above the hero. This is WAY less handicapping and allows me to make some really cool looking maps like in FF7. For the start, I made some cool caves for a dungeon:

Is rpgmaker2k3 unable to understand subtractions?

No it's not because of the Paralel Process, otherwise the gravity 1/2 and 1/4 spells wouldn't work as well for me. It's one of the (or both) lines that subtract the HP.

As for the Kraken, the code messed up even more when the battle had some more turns on my side. I finally (after a dozen of fails with Switches and Branches as well), I finally came up with a code that works. It's as hardcore as much as it makes me hate rpgmaker 2k3 (I mean honestly, this is hardcore for only wanting a damage based on 3 tentacles survivability).

Anyways, this could be useful to anyone, so I'll write down the code here.

How it works: A Boss spawns 3+ Minions on the battle field, and after a while, he will use a high damaging AoE spell. The damage is based on how many minions are left then.

Let's call the Boss Thaddäus - a Kraken. And his minions are Tentacles.
Place the 3 Minions as 1st 2nd and 3rd monster, the boss as 4th. Make the 3 tentacles invisible.

Page 1: Monster Turns Elapsed

Message: Thaddäus raises a tentacle!
Show Battle Animation: Watersurface (I made water rings appear around the tentacle as a battle animation to have something more interesting than just a tentacle popping out of nowhere)
Show Hidden Monster: 1:Tentacle
Switch Operation: ON

Page 2: Monster Turns Elapsed

Message: Thaddäus raises a tentacle!
Show Battle Animation: Watersurface
Show Hidden Monster: 2:Tentacle
Switch Operation: ON

Page 3: Monster Turns Elapsed

Message: Thaddäus raises a tentacle!
Show Battle Animation: Watersurface
Show Hidden Monster: 3:Tentacle
Switch Operation: ON

Page 4: Monster 's HP between

Switch Operation: OFF

Page 5: Monster 's HP between

Switch Operation: OFF

Page 6: Monster 's HP between

Switch Operation: OFF

Page 7: Monster Turns Elapsed

(Now it gets hardcore)

Message: Tentacle Orgy!!!

Branch if Switch is ON
>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power (my skill animation), Entire Party
>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd (or whatever damage want it to be]
>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>Change Monster Condition: 1: Tentacle K.O. Inflict (if you want to have them stay alive, make sure to add a line that turns the switch for each tentacle off)
>Wait: 0.0 Sec (this is needed to make things not overlap)
>>Branch if Switch is ON (Inside the same Branch as above)
>>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power Entire Party
>>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd
>>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>>Change Monster Condition: 2: Tentacle K.O. Inflict
>>Wait: 0.0 Sec
>>>Branch if Switch is ON (Inside the same Branch as above)
>>>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power Entire Party
>>>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd
>>>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>>>Change Monster Condition: 3: Tentacle K.O. Inflict
>>>Wait: 0.0 Sec


>>Else Handler (from the second Branch)
>>>Branch if Switch is ON (Inside the same Branch as above)
>>>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power Entire Party
>>>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd
>>>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>>>Change Monster Condition: 3: Tentacle K.O. Inflict
>>>Wait: 0.0 Sec



>Else Handler (from the first Branch)
>>Branch if Switch is ON (Inside the same Branch as above)
>>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power Entire Party
>>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd
>>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>>Change Monster Condition: 2: Tentacle K.O. Inflict
>>Wait: 0.0 Sec
>>>Branch if Switch is ON (Inside the same Branch as above)
>>>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power Entire Party
>>>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd
>>>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>>>Change Monster Condition: 3: Tentacle K.O. Inflict
>>>Wait: 0.0 Sec


>>Else Handler (from the second branch of first Branches Else Handler)
>>>Branch if Switch is ON (Inside the same Branch as above)
>>>Show Battle Animation: Tentacle Power Entire Party
>>>Variable Oper: Set, Rnd
>>>Change HP: Entire Party's HP V Remove
>>>Change Monster Condition: 3: Tentacle K.O. Inflict
>>>Wait: 0.0 Sec

>>>Else Handler (from this Branch)
>>>Message: No Tentacles left...
>>>Play Sound: evade1

Rpgmaker doesn't understand if you make 3 Branches one for each tentacle, it will only play the first branch. Also, if you make just 3 Branches inside of each other, it will oly work if the first tentacle is alive. If the first tentacle dies, you need to add the other 2 tentacle branches into the else handler (for if the tentacle dies) again. This also occurs with the 2nd tentacle, it needs to add the 3rd tentacle Branch twice, for the actual branch and for the else handler of its branch. Then for the last tentacle, there is only an Else Handler once. For the time when the first two tntacles already died (meaning, in the else handler of the second tentacle's branch in the else handler of the first tentacle's branch....). Then, a message pops up that the skill can't be cast because all tentacles are dead.

The code in my case deals damage 3 times (one for each tentacle). It's AoE -> tentacle vanishes, AoE -> tentacle vanishes etc.
If you want one big damage instead, you're best off using variables. Remove the line for the battle animation and damage from every branch and add the variable operation set+1 instead (lets call it tentacle add). Then in the final Branch (3rd tentacle), add the skill animation, as well as make a new variable for damage (tentacle damage), set it to whatever damage you want (the damage for 1 tentacle alive), then multiply it with the variable "tentacle add". This way, the damage from tentacle damage will multiply with 1,2 or 3, depending on how many tentacles we have left.

Is rpgmaker2k3 unable to understand subtractions?

I've deleted the event for an alternative "solve", the new code works better but still doesn't do the job right. Here are the pages:


And here is the problem:
Weather or not 1 tentacle survives, the value stays 1. Well, or not... it's the damage staying at 1x the random damage number. Or well... not even that, because it would recognize at least a conditional branch set like that:

I've tried reducing the random damage by 1/2 and instead adding +2 instead of +1 of the value (tentaclepower) per tentacle. And set the branch to "if value higher than 1" -> consequence of the skill (damage) / else: no damage. And it didn't recgonize the value at 1, it was again at 2, even when I killed 3 tentacles before turn 7 started. Also tried adding +1 to the value at the very start of the fight, so it might recognize 1 rather than 0, but that didn't work out as well. It always recognizes th damage of 1 tentacle alive, weather ot not 1 or no tentacle is there.

Also, the gravity spell:
