


Ok, I have to say the story is unique and completely captivates. I haven't completed a playthrough yet as I have just started today; but the first video will be here in the next 50 minutes.


Great Game so far Dev. I found some minor glitches but nothing that cannot be fixed.


Walkthrough being made now. I hope you guys enjoy, as much as I enjoy playing.
Link will be placed here soon.

Crescent Moon: The Juujin Children

THIS LOOKS REALLY COOL, Certainly old school horror mind if I make a lets Play?

Dear RED

You brilliant Dev. you.
This game may be short yes, but the replay value, and the story are magnificent. I played Seven Mysteries and really enjoyed that as well.

If you want to see this game, and or if you want to check it out before getting it. My video is here.

Bravo Sang. Bravo.


Sukutte - Save Me...

Dear Developer my name is WolfSpawn. I have recorded your game for a charity that is helping the children, the video link will be posted here shortly and I wonder if you could put it up here on your page to show your game off as well as get a couple of donators to Saint Judes. Please respond.
Dear WolfSpawn,
I'm sorry for my late reply!
Sure! I've seen the playthrough you uploaded and that looks great!
Since you've added your playthrough to my game profile, do I need to add it again?
Cuz I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now... -.-||
Thank you and have a nice day!

It would help. The difference is that people would see it on the front as it would be hidden normally. But that is up to you. Thanks for the reply.

Sukutte - Save Me...

Here is the first video of my lets play. Sorry for the multipost.

Fancy and the Fox

Dear Developer.
My name is WolfSpawn

I want to get in the game for the kids of St. Jude.

This is why I've registered to participate as a St. Jude PLAY LIVE gamer. I'm using my gaming skills to help save the lives of kids battling cancer and other deadly diseases and I need you to help me reach my fundraising goal of $1000.00.

All you have to do is Put the videos up to view once uploaded where I will have gameplay of your game reviewing it, but there will be a donation link to where viewers can put a few bucks towards fighting Disease.

Thank you for your time and respond quickly, this ends on September first.

Sukutte - Save Me...

Dear Developer my name is WolfSpawn. I have recorded your game for a charity that is helping the children, the video link will be posted here shortly and I wonder if you could put it up here on your page to show your game off as well as get a couple of donators to Saint Judes. Please respond.

Mythos: The Beginning

Dude! My name is WolfSpawn and I respond with the upmost Hype! Please let me record this game for my channel. This game Looks And I can't even describe how awesome it feels when reading this summary! Man, I want to get you more fans!

The only thing I ask in return is that you please put my video on the page here, so people have an idea as to what they are getting into! Thanks.