I'm a hardcore fan of the old school RPGs, but I've dabbled in a lot of different games, and genres. I like to point out the flaws of the games I play just as much as the good, so please don't think of me as cynical.

I'm from Canada eh.

My skype name is Nakirro.



Legend of Amara

Mind you the balms are a tad expensive, and with no opportunity to come back to the town once you enter the forest. even having 3 isn't much.

Maybe if she had like 3 fire balms, and 2 vials of poison in her room. It would give us more of an edge in the spider fight.

I think we should be allowed to return to town, and the monsters should re-spawn.
A shop is really necessary in terms of preparations.

It might just make it a tad easier on the player. We don't want to keep dying to them spiders.

Legend of Amara

This may seem like a long shot, but why don't you make Elena go to the building that's on fire to help rescue those who are trapped inside?

If the masked villain is able to summon creatures. Why not make Elena, and Lillian fight wisps. That way you can show off her ice magic, and collect fire balm for Lillian. Now the ice spider Will be easier to deal with cause of the abundance of FIRE BALMS!!!

Once you go into the woods to pursue the masked villain. Elena could be level 4, or 5, and you can make Lucas start out level 5. BOOM Lucas's level 1 problem obliterated!!!

That way you don't have to grind for a Half hour as well.

Sometimes I'm scared of my genius.

Legend of Amara

I honestly think freezing whistle sounds good. It plays more to the muse character theme you have with her.

I hate that you have 4 slimes, and one hornet in that group. To be fair it takes one spell to kill one slime, but takes three hits to kill that hornet. You're looking at 4 turns per battle, or five if you missed an attack. That seems legit, but all those slimes makes Lillian, and Lucas look pathetically weak in comparison to Elena.

It's kind of why I'm not a big fan of jack of all trades characters. They show off early game, and then fail late game.

When I saw the Purge technique on Lucas. I was really confused as to why a wood cutter would have such an ability.

Lucas: After all these years of living in the forest, and cutting thousands of trees. I have finally trained my body. I am no longer weak. I AM IMMUNE TO MOSQUITO BITES!!!

With Elena you could make her channel her spells through vocal, or musical means.

Chilling Etude/ Icy Etude/ Freezing Etude
Fiery Concerto/ Flaming concerto/ Eruptive Concerto
Aria of wind/ Aria of gale/ Aria of storm

Just to make her minstrel persona more alive in combat.

Legend of Amara

Hey LorSquirrel! Glad to see you updating.

I just wanted to start off on a couple of nitpicks, and then continue with some overall issues, and then end it with the positive notes.


It would be an asset to your game if instead of the text boxes explaining the controls of the game. You would give a little background to your story. Imagine me walking in that swamp looking at these wisps, and I have no clue why that swamp is there, or why those wisps exist. Even if you leave it to be explained later. It's sorta leaving your players in the dark.

When the masked man runs off, and you're sent to go after them. It's a giant face-palm. You can't make me believe that they didn't send you to help the people while the guards pursued the villainous masked man. A player would feel more involved with your characters, if they witnessed the devastation. After helping the villagers. You could have the guards come back injured, and then Elena would rush to apprehend the fiend.

I'm not sure if its for demo purposes, but the boss fight should not give you a warning. It's my fault if I'm unprepared not yours. A warning like that should only exist during a side boss.


The Forest itself is a royal pain in my #^%. I spent the 45 minutes to get my characters to level 7. (cause I know them spiders ain't level 5). The battle went something like this... Elena buffs the party. Lillian use vital shot. Lucas uses overhead smash. Ice spider uses freeze breath. Everyone's frozen. Musicals are happening, Olaf is dancing, and Elsa won't let it go. Here I am watching my characters die one by one. Eventually I do get lucky, and I beat them.

The slimes made me scratch my head a little. How is a slime's weakpoint a sword, but is resistant to axes? they're doing the same thing. They're cutting the slime. That shouldn't hurt it to begin with, but I'll drop that for now. You have to use weapon categories. Slash/Jab/Bash. Spells work on a different category. So axes, and swords belong in the same family.

Overhead smash is a bad idea. Have you ever played that carnival game with the Hammer? It's the same concept. Putting a weapon over your head in an arc actually cause you to LOSE strength. It takes more energy to bring the weapon up from that angle causing you to lose momentum, and power. Plus that's gonna give Lucas a herniated disk.


The project is coming along nicely! The side view battle script is working quite well, and the sprites are rather decent. I'm glad you changed Ice lvl 1 into frozen whistle, but you gotta fix that during battles. (Elena uses Ice lvl 1)

The collect command in the forest gives you a good opportunity to get decent healing items without breaking your wallet.

FF1 town theme in Lucas's house makes him my bro.

The flow of combat seems a lot better. You just need to tweak a few things here, and there.

Mapping is fine. Could be better, but could also be worst. I HAVE SEEN UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS.

Final notes.

This is just for everyone whom aspires of making a great game. your Intro is the most Important part of your game! If the Story/Character/Combat is dull or boring. You will lose immediate attention.

With that said. Good luck LorSquirrle. I'll be keeping my eye on this.

New Aincrad

As much as I like to see dedication towards a project. My previous statements are still valid points.

There is WAY too much on your plate here. You could recruit an entire team, and would still go about it the wrong way. The combat is stale. The exp is set way too high. Lack of decent abilities cause the Z key to be mashed. The mapping is iffy, and I know for a fact a project of this size would require an extensive staff, and proper planning.

This looks like a spur of the moment project where someone will lose interest in working on it. It's just too time consuming of a project, and it requires a revamp for the game to actually be enjoyable.

Memories of Elefee

I find it hilarious that one of your features is a turn based battle system. Aren't most games on here turn based? xD

Looks interesting though, so no complaints here.

New Aincrad

Then I'll be glad to come back from time to time to see the new features you'll add. I can't say I'm a big fan of SAO, but the combat system is what really intrigues me.

New Aincrad

The combo system was pretty cool. I hope though for the sake of the game in the future. You add a class selector. If I can't play as a healer, then you can bet that I'm going with a great sword. Once I looked at the stats of my character. I noticed that my class says single handed. I assume it cause its a demo, and the other classes will come later on.

I tried using the katana, but they won't let you use the combos if you do.

The exp is set way too high. in 5 minutes of playing I became level 10. not that the stats feel relevant mind you. Only your hp is noticeable...

Instead of making my TP start at 0. Why not make it at 50? That way I don't come in to battle with the mindset of. Mash Z to win.

The environments look rather nice, and monster drops seems really close as to what an MMO would give you.

And this next part is most likely going to generate some negativity, but I want to make my self clear before you read it. This is my opinion. It's not fact, and in no way should it be taken as such. These are just some of the concerns I have of the game.

Did it really have to be SAO? I've seen three projects go into hiatus, because its a title that's WAY too massive to be met. I get that it's "New Aincrad", but it's SAO all the same...

Unless you do some floor skipping, or cut corners on mapping. We're looking at about 1000-2000 maps. including the floor, the dungeon of said floor, and towns, and if your story takes the player out side of the game, because of murder scenes, and meetings with friends.

Not to mention creating combos for the different weapons. The lack of variety in actions, because there's no spells, and lack of engaging combat. Most likely having to resort to weapon type weaknesses, and not to mention items will be the only way to heal. Which is ambitious, but tedious none the less.

Having to create monsters, and stats accordingly to the floor will be a pain, and most likely to be the most time consuming property of the game. Changing the hue of the monsters will no doubt be the easier option, but with 100 floors. that's a lot of monsters. Even if you put 3 monsters per floor, and 3 others per dungeon, and the bosses them selves. We're looking at 700 different monsters. even Square Enix would say forget that, and proceed to ruin my favorite franchise. Q_Q

I see a lot of issues, and depending on the size of your team. We're looking at 2-4 years of production, and that's being generous.

Legend of Amara

No worries man, and I had to edit what I posted cause I felt like I should still have given you more feedback xD

Legend of Amara

Alright I went through the demo, and I Have a few things I want to run by you.

First problem I had is Lillian has no gear. Unless I missed a spot in the house, but I'm not to sure, because Lucas has gear.

Elena is a minstrel, so why not make her use songs in order to cast spells. song of ice, song of hail, song of blizzard, or be a bit more creative than me. xD

I'm assuming that the beginning conversation with her father isn't the true start of your game, because I would actually like to see how, and why she picked up the sword, and spells in the first place.

Lucas is pretty strong, but it would have been nice for him to have at least one skill at level 1

The customizable menu is still an awesome touch.