Transcendence Legacy - V...
Uncover the truth behind a world plagued by monstrosities. Traverse through mysterious ruins to search for the answer with dependable allies at your side.

Recent Achievements

You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 12/17/2018 01:36 AM
You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 10/07/2018 11:05 PM
You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 08/05/2018 03:29 AM
You're fanning the flames that hatch the dreams of fellow devs! Given for interacting with others during a mini-event.
Acquired 07/12/2018 07:07 AM
Made a dumb game in eleven hours for rpgmaker.net's eleventh birthday.
Acquired 06/13/2018 10:48 PM