_______'S PROFILE

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What are you thinking about right now?

dont get so worked up

have a sense of proportion

What are you thinking about right now?

id laugh but liberty might get on my case for being insensitive to fat people

Who's your favorite VRP(Videogame Romantic Pairing)?

Homu's Pixel and Art Dump 2.0

re: potato face

dont automatically lump lights at the cheeks nose and forehead like some kind of amateur

you get volume by setting up pose/lighting in the scene correctly. not with what is essentially pillowshading 2.0

Could someone make this logo for me plz?

what you have now is better than anything youre likely to get for free

PSA: LockeZ is a piece of EVIL and disturbing TRASH

lockez has mild autism

its pretty obvious


it will probably be something like

because I also want to do something with notices and username tagging.

something like .-*^*-.-*^☆AnKyLo☆^*-.-*^*-. would be my suggestion

Kanye Quest 3030 Secrets Revealed

Oh good. Another abberration of a game gets on the Buzzing games section. :\

outclassed by kanye once again and hes not even trying

This is not an Onion article. Seriously can't make this shit up.

We all know that the general tide of the War on Drugs has turned against the government as more and states begin to legalize marijuana and more nations legalize drugs in general, but there's another threat we haven't considered, according to the DEA. The DEA; being the Drug Enforcement Agency; an office full of grown, rational adults. All of that pot will soon be in the open, and like any other crop, will be attacked by hungry wildlife, which could lead to attacks on people by stoned rabbits.



Here it is. Okay, I think I'm done here.

pianotm at it again

you should write for cracked.com

Game Design/game artist as a career

dont worry about networking. its no substitute for skill

if you want to create then start by actually learning to create. master a craft