Nothing I hate more than games with awesome title screens and RTP-looking graphics.


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Well... Then I guess eventually you may have some problems with me...

(I don't know if my title screens are that awesome, but I like to think they are good enough. :)
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Don't download them then, problem solved.

That was easy, next.
Well that was like an arrow straight to my face..
But really, if I could make some epicly awesome, jaw-dropping graphics myself, then I would.
I understand, sorry, take no offense. It's not like rtp games should have bad title screens. It's just that oftentimes I see awesome images titles on the main page and I go "omg this game looks awesome let me... Oh."
You're magical to me.
At least you can get the info you need in just a click XD Given that characters and plot are my biggest draws with games, I've got to give each one a play to see if the setting and people draw me in before getting to that disappointing "Oh" XD

(But it makes the rare cases where there's no disappointment all the more sweet)


I can understand not liking the RTP style, though. It's not something everyone would like, being so bright and, yes, square. It's odd that there's not more different graphic types for Ace, come to think of it. I know the company itself stayed close to the default styles (bar DS/+ and High Fantasy) but I remember with 2k/3 and XP that there were a few different types out there.

Then again, those types were often rips, so... ^.^;
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Would you prefer LESS awesome title screens then?
Would you prefer LESS awesome title screens then?


It's not that I don't like RTP style. It just make games lack visual identity... and that's because awesome title screens come out as "lies", because they do give some sort of identity.

Going deeper in this discussion, if you think of commercial games, their title screens usually do reflect the game styles. Same is not true if you get an awesome picture and put it in a RTP game. It's not about putting something awesome in a game that sucks. I mean, this looks awesome:

And it would fit into an RTP game just fine.

But this title screen (just an example) for a RTP game is, in my opinion, somewhat deceptive.

Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
Why is it deceptive? Is it because the title screen is stylish whereas the game's graphics may not be as stylish as you thought they should be (because they are RTP)?
Cause the screen presents a fresh/new/interesting graphical style, and the game doesn't.

Not saying it's intentionally dishonest, just frustrating on my part. Maybe no one feels the same way, in which case I should just shut up and go to bed.
Got any Dexreth amulets?
Heh... Well, if nothing else, I'm glad you think at least the title screen of my game looks awesome (and I can't even take credit for that, because I didn't make it myself).

Thing is, I see where you're coming from. While the title screen was based on two RTP characters, it's obviously not the same style. If I could, I would totally have made my game in the same style or drawn an RTP-like screen myself - but I can't, because I have zero talent for art.
I know I can't even think of competing with you when it comes to graphical quality. But I rather have made an RTP game with a good-looking title screen than with the default one or none - or even no game at all. Because those were literally the only options for me.

(P.S.: If you like the graphical style of the screen, you might want to take a look at this game, made by the user who created it. It's indeed fresh and interesting, and not an RTP game)
Just want to say that, even though my games might look ok, I'm not really graphically skilled. There are many ways to make a game look decent and unique with very little skill.
Very good example of deceptive title screen.

Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
To me that says somebody needs to learn how to make their title text contrast with their background. I don't tend to look at that and say "professional game".

Not judging that the game will be bad, I just think the title doesn't seem deceptive for me... I don't look at it and automatically think the game will be fantastic or anything.
It's not really about being fantastic. But looking at that title you'd expect a very dark and atmospheric horror game. Try to imagine what the game looks like, and then take a look at the screenshots (click image to see them).
Self-proclaimed Puzzle Snob
Surely it can't be that bad...

*clicks on image*

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