

Rpg 2k3 Graveyard tileset

Best VG Soundtracks + overrated

I forgot about this one! Definately the most epic soundtrack ever. Every track is equally brilliant:

pokemon just for this:

and a special mention:

What Videogames Are You Playing Right Now?

M.A.G - Epicness on an Epic scale lol

The 256 player maps are the biggest clusterfuck I've ever seen. Fun game though.

What are you thinking about right now?

General Studies is probably one of the biggest wastes of time possible.

What are you thinking about right now?

in other news this is enormously illuminating

One of the best hobbies there is.

I need the General Opinion here..

You could maybe set up 'phases' for some enemies, for example: for 5 turns, enemy is immune to magic, 5 turns enemy is immune to physical, tactics like that might encourage someone to diversify their orbs and gives the player greater freedom then just restricting the player to certain orbs.

Hmm what does this say..

Maybe the nostalgia factor. I played it for the first time last year and was underwhelmed. The backgrounds were nice, but the dialogue was pretty awful from what I can remember. I think I pretty much got through the game just spamming my most powerful attacks as well.

FF7's been discussed to death though and it's probably just best to let it lie, preferably in a very deep grave.

What's the last tv show you watched?

A bunch of top gear repeats straight off from Dave

Top Gear, Top Gear, Top Gear, Top Gear, Mock The Week, Mock The Week, Top Gear, Top Gear </repeat>

What was the last film you watched?

The Expendables looks good, but Machete's coming out next month so that's where I'm gonna be at.


I see Mozart , Louis Armstrong and Charlie Parker (I think)