


caught not catch
Err... this is present tense.

Temporary Boosts

Ahh I always keep on forgetting to tell people I'm using RPGMaker XP. Sorry about that.

Temporary Boosts

So currently, I'm making an area where you can build furniture inside your house.

But I can't seem to temporarily add health or mana to a character. What I mean by this is, when the character sits in a chair that he has made, is it possible for the event to give him full health but also an additional amount of health on top of his base health? Once the character is damaged though - and his health goes below his base health, he would not be able to get his health above the base health again, unless he sits in the chair again.

Also, this means that when the temporary health boost is active, potions would not affect the character.

And would it be possible for the chair to not pile boosts, meaning if I get the boost multiple times, I do not get an absurd amount of "temporary health"?

Thanks for your time.

Able to play a game without downloading game maker

I was just wondering if there was a simple way where one could make it so that a player wouldn't need to download the game maker that the developer used to make the game, so they could just download the game and play straight away.

Thank you for your time.

Experience past max level

"because it's how I envisioned it" is quite possibly the worst possible justification imaginable and makes me want to take my code back

if the only reason you want to do something is because you want to do it, you should be banned from doing things in general

oh well whatever


Just because I want to try to make a game the way I want it to be and ask for help along the way so that I can learn from this experience while making my game progress so that the experience for the other people is better doesn't mean I should be banned?

I'm not sure if you have a grudge on me or something, but the HELP forums is for helping, right?

I'm not here to be criticized on how I run my game. I need help and that's why I am here. I never had any tutorials. I've taught myself how to use this game and I've been working on it on and off for over 4 years. Why should I be reprimanded by a fellow game maker when I am in no way offending anybody, and am trying only to make things better?

Also - I have had many people play my game before I came to this site to upload my game, and almost all said that they wish that they could see the experience they were gaining after they achieved the maximum level in a skill. THAT is why it was how I had envisioned it - to satisfy the people who have played my game.

I enjoy making things that other people find enjoyable. If I should be BANNED for trying to achieve the goals I have set for myself, then clearly I should think twice about my ethics.

Experience past max level

Thank you.

The reason I wanted it is just because it's how I envisioned the game. I don't like having restraints on experience, because people who enjoy certain skills more than others would enjoy reaching higher experience in that skill.

Also, nobody is expected to reach the highest level in any skill, because although it's quite easy - there are a variety of skills that can be trained, and someone who is playing the game 'normally', meaning balancing their stats out rather than getting max level or higher in 1 skill would not get a max level quite easily.

I understand your concern for people who want to raise a character past the level cap, but the maximum level for skills to me seems overpowered enough. Having a max stat is very useful because it opens up the BEST money-making methods in THAT skill or deals the MOST damage with that character, etc. Adding extra benefits for going past the cap would just ruin the point of leveling all the stats, since a player would believe that they could simply raise one stat and use all the money they earn in that skill to max out the others easily (which already happens on a small scale).

But you must understand also that leveling to the max isn't the main point of the game. The point of levels are to complete quests and quests are used to attain either better equipment, training techniques (for those who want to gain even more experience), raw experience, cash, etc. to help players on their journey to completing the MAIN quest. The MAIN questline has NO requirements whatsoever, but training skills to certain levels are highly recommended to defeat the game.

I'm pretty much rambling on now, but I needed to get my point across.

Experience past max level

I'd love it if someone could help me out.

Experience past max level

Well, if he makes enemies give enough experience points, then it's easy to get to max level. I'm not entirely sure what the point is of showing you still gaining more experience points after they don't do anything any more, but I assume he has some complex system in mind that would be built around this feature.

But that's all mostly irrelevant, because I know that __/__ is an RM2K3 thing, so the answer is indeed no.

If you can explain why you want experience points to show up, what system you had in mind that would make use of this, people could maybe suggest different ideas? Someone can probably think of a different feature that would provide the same kind of emotion or game balance that you're trying to create through this one.


The reason I want experience to show up after the level cap is just because that's what I had in mind when I first started building the game, but never got to that part until now since it wasn't the most important thing on the list at the time. But the reason I want to add this is because people who enjoy training a certain character will be disappointed when their character reaches max level, and will no longer show xp. It's kind of a self-achievement type of thing, where even though you have completed something, you can keep on doing what you enjoyed doing previously.

EDIT: To add on, the max levels vary - but in most cases, they are only level 60. I do not wish to change the level cap since it fits nicely with what I made.

Experience past max level

So getting to a max level in my game is quite easy - and it is meant to be this way. But the thing that irritates me is that when a player reaches the max level, the game just puts the experience at "__/__" making experience non-existant in that skill.

This is where I need some help. Is there any possible way for a character's experience to go past the max XP for that character so that the experience could go to 500,000 or so, and not show "__/__"?

Thank you.

Disallowing the use of other programs

Sure, people will always want to cheat, but this is how I want my game to be - and if people don't like it, they shouldn't play it. It's as simple as that. I don't want to penalize anyone for cheating, all i want to do is prevent it from happening.