


Looks awesome, but aren't the characters a bit too short for these chips? As it stands, it looks like the average human is about 1/3 or maybe even 1/4 the height of one story of that building. That's really short. Same with the gate, the door, the trees, etc.


That's a good point, Kaempfer. I'll look into fixing that. I dunno how much room is left on the chipset for more rock tiles though.

@Tardis: What do you mean? The grass is the only rudra tile in there, iirc.

Screen 3.png

Wow. I had totally missed that. The pillar is too bright-white for the screen, and the vines are def. not the right shade. I'll get to fixing that asap. Thanks for pointing it out!


This looks pretty good, but the bridge tiles are looping funny. The "slack" in the middle of the rope doesn't line up with how gravity would pull at the bridge unless there's invisible supports in the middle of the bridge.


Ok, so maybe this is just me, but every time I look at this map, it confuses my eyes. For some reason, the light colored ocean looks like the land to me and the dark colored land looks like it should be the ocean. It feels like one of those "If you look at it this way, you see a woman; if you look at it this other way, you see a vase" images and it sort of bugs my eyes. Have you considered switching the color palette around?

Although, I guess it could just be me, I guess


Looks like a fine skill system. I really question the utility of the Risky Move skill though. If it has a 10% chance of doing 400% damage, that means that, on average over a long period of time, it does 40% of regular damage per turn. Considering that the attack command assumedly averages 100% damage, Risky Move will average out to less damage over a battle. what's the point of ever using Risky Move?


Eh. I'll eventually replace it(same as I hope to do with all the rips), and I'll do something a bit more artsy than what you suggest. Some of these screens aren't to show my beautiful artistic skill, but just how the game will play.


What can i say, they have a good item set. One day, the idea is to get all the rips out entirely (mostly, it's the music, the Fire Emblem facesets, FFTA item icons and weapons the characters wield in battle, and the FFT world map) but it didn't seem smart to hold everything up while I painstakingly made new icons and suches.

One day, one day... it'll be rip-free.


I know, right? I hate it for being a rip and so recognizable, but I haven't found anything else that's decent yet. I'm set on wanting a point and click map though, so until I find something else, this one will have to stay.


Good catch! Thanks! Dunno how I missed it!
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