Monster Craft
The tournaments to see who commands the best Kraw have begun.


Party System

For the game I am working on you will be able to craft monsters and use them in battle. I am having an issue when it comes to duplicate monsters. When the player crafts a new monster it does not go to the next open party member slot but instead it just writes over the party slot that has the same exact monster. For example like the Pokemon party system and how you can have multiple of the same Pokemon. Does anyone have any recommendations on how to go about doing this?

Why you no attack?

I have a problem with RPG Maker VX Ace. When ever someone in the party or an enemy attacks there is not damage taken. Can any one help solve this problem?


Does anyone know how to have multiple of the same actor but in a different place in the initial party?

Fusing Actors

For one of the games I am currently working on I am trying to figure out a way to fuse two actors together to make an entirely different actor or another version of one of the two. This is really challenging and wondering if anyone could throw out any useful tips.

Multiple Games?

Are you allowed to be the developer of multiple games on RMN? By that I mean can you work on multiple games at the same time without breaking any rules.


Hello everyone! I had heard that this was a great community to post games you are working on so I thoufh why not. I will try and make every second I spend on this site special. :)
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