Hi, I am 12 years old and like to make rpg games. I have made many but i hadn't published one. A new game soon will appear. I am working on a project with my friend.
Wait till then.
Title Source Info
Hp/Mp Gauge
This will show Hp/Mp bars.
12/26/2012 04:36 PM
Description Window
This Window shows all available information of Skills/Items/Weapons/Armors
12/27/2012 08:28 AM
5 Heroes in your party
4 just wasn't enough, only 5 heroes could take care.
12/27/2012 01:35 PM
Icon Inventory
Make your inventory only by icons.
12/27/2012 01:55 PM
Changes after battle.
Result after Battles.
12/27/2012 02:22 PM
Pages: 1