

Screenshot Shogunate

Another screen from my current project.

What comes to mind from the username above you?

A type of metal that can kill people.

Screenshot Shogunate

It does what ever you want it to do.
Yes it is.

Dead Survival

I know.
I meant that I would like to see one.

Screenshot Shogunate

A screen of my current Game.
The monopoly game looks really well made.

What comes to mind from the username above you?

A guy who has nothing better to do
in life but hack rom's! ;D

moving bridge.jpg

This map reminds me of Minish cap!!

Dead Survival

Lol! :D
Tales with Zombies?
Sounds great. When are you going to post screenshots!
Just one would be ok!

Indie games that have impacted you

Dragon Heart/ Starless Umbra was really inspiring for me
Legend of the Philosopher Stone was good!

Pirates: The Legend of the Silver Crescent

It looks really good.
I'll try It out.