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Ver full 1.0
Random thoughts spoilers
was this mouse only before?

sadly i don't think the game mentions that Esc opens the menu to save. i was looking for a spot to save :3

when in the real world there is no way to leave the save/quit screen without picking either option.

weird to have a code in that paper but have the code written in the message as well o.o
they even had the letters a different color. you would have to be a idiot to not figure it out!

it takes a while sometimes to progress XD between puzzles and figuring out what you need

it was really cool when the conversations with reality started!

i didn't realize it until we were at the ruins but the game has a awesome visual transition of your character in game.his appearance changes as the game progresses!

The ending is such a extreme plot hole! for that to make sense all people in erayu would of had to be dead for the darkness to exist.
unless for some reason they do not mention people of Erayu do not count.

i wish each ending had its own credits so you could see a bit of where both choices went.

General 7H 8M+
Outside of the grammar needing some polish and a major plot hole at the end(refer to above).
this was a enjoyable experience.
it was really nice not to have random battles let alone battles in general!

the mapping is beautiful! just breath taking in some areas!
the puzzles were quite well done as well as the user interface.
i usually play all games i can with a controller but the mouse worked really well here.
occasionally tho the character refused to move in some areas.
having 2 endings was satisfying as well!

it could benefit from some polishing of the grammar but that aside i highly recommend this.


Ver Ch 1-11 (out of 14 total)
Random thoughts

i hate your character. which could be partly because how he is acting when we don't know why.
not sure i feel about showing the end of the story before the beginning.

i don't get the arrow mini game at all! i cant hit the target once let alone 3 times!

theres a plot mistake after the merchant hides in a barrel. the adults tell you to tell 3 others including yourself whats going on.

i hate reviels he is such a whiny bitch >.> most other characters suffered way more then he has no to be exact he didnt suffer at all >.> and annoying how he acts!

once you finally get a second member the formation/switch function does not work. as soon as you get into a battle it puts reviels first again...

when you leave the village to go to the boat the alden says to pedal hang on there (on>in sounds better)

reivier is such...a fucking...bastard...he breaks is promise with alden to watch pedal while is he is gone...i REALLY need his story to end is despair...this scumbag does not deserve a happy ending

why did credits play in the middle of the game? they are suppose to be at the end

the sunset is beautiful isn't it!? (viken wearing lipstick) is!

i never understand getting captured by people.when you can fight...regular citizens even :/

you don't add s to clothing!

when reivier is by himself to find the thief you can leave the town through the west exit which is a problem as you can see things you shouldn't such as the message with luniair at the top of the mountain pass despite her not being in your party

i dont get the point of a thief ark. we steal stuff from homes all the time...

why is lunair surprised someone can turn into a non human creature? didn't she turn into a crow and fly away? (was shown before she was actually able to for some reason)

exit is spelt wrong when you first try to leave from the caverns

i wonder if getting her to help with the wagon has a effect on the game besides her sitting there

the mapping was not made with the wagon in mind at all! so much clipping its really ugly!

lunairs back story is depressing and it needed to be but it makes me feel like her calling the people of the other countries mongrels makes no sense...there was not a established reason for it. sure they are stupid but... alive? that's even worse...

arranged marriage...really?....its a pointless thing to begin with but forced? ridiculous...
why cant people have treaty's without ruining peoples lives?!

the dev is going a bit too far on making the player feel disgusted.drugging drink she he probably could rape her and make her his slave?

this sneaking mini game is annoying...and we have to do it twice!? ....

a good amount of exploration but a lack of reason to do so. there are so many rooms with no reason to actually go in them

i hate reviels so much...he is a nonredeemable piece of trash...ignorant as fuck.
causes trouble for people forcing his shitty will on them...
complains when they do what they need to do to make his impossible selfish wishes come true..
i cant stand him at all...

reviels stupidity continues when he finds aldens grave and says he must have been a important person :/
he already knows what he was :/

...why do you have to make the main character THIS bad...
this piece of shit expects luniar to care about her parents after what they did to her which he knows what they did...
just because they are her parents...?

now that's cool! you can finally learn new forms and use them at will!
not that they have much purpose in battle since you rarely have them

its a shame when you transform it doesn't change what your skills are in the menu tho they seem to change in battle

i thought reviel lost his memories of serea. at least thats what the flashbacks led you to believe

when lunair transforms into serie does she wake up every night to transform back? otherwise she gets stuck in that form right? it was said in game they need to transform back before midnight

the carnival was really fun!

pedals story ;( i cried alot :(

reviel is finally developing!? (when they are on the cliff of nowhere laying down and why he took the quint again)

the bubble mini game was was until you went to far with it then it became annoying

more pathing issues in the dream world

could not save at the end of the 11th chapter :(

General 14H 53M+
had its ups and downs for me. some moments where i was disgusted with what was going on,others anggy others crying. all kinds of emotions come from this story.
the grammar needs a look over tho some mistakes or odd choice of words every now and then.

i hate the main character reviel he is a terrible human being who thinks his morals are just. its unreal how selfish he is.outside of him and the obvious villains i love the rest of them! great stories!

mostly reading and walking with occasional battles and minigames some of which were not as enjoyable.
the battle system while fun felt somewhat pointless due to the lack of its use which is fine with me i prefer cutscene battles anyway.
there are various pathing issues though out the game some worse then others that should really be fixed.

While normally i do not recommend demos this is a experience worth having so definitely check it out if you haven't already! just keep in mind the game is not finished so the story does not conclude.

there is a major glitch if you leave aldens house with lunair when you finally get back to town. before doing anything just enter and leave you cannot enter anymore. same if you leave the houses area.(when reviel is tired and goes to bed but you go to aldens house try leaving his house after entering and the area that enters his front yard. 2 triggers stop you from going back)

another glitch after you see petal in the morning you get control of reviel and your levels are reset to 1! (morning after returning from your trip)

during the bubble event when you reach the end after the cutscene with the...boss? where the pouch is you can float thru every wall

Lyra's Melody - The Song She Whispered to Me

random thoughts may include spoilers
nice title screen!

to play or not to play

shes deaf :O

the wood cutting thing was pretty good.

emmas house (witch with the cauldron) after the initial scene you can walk thru every wall and only interact with the clock.
but if you leave and re-enter it works tho you still cant do anything.

whats up with 3:26 anyway? this was mentioned in the mirror game as well

beautiful visuals
interesting characters
great mapping
great music

Forever unfinished
not a lot to see and do
non-established plot

Thoughts 35M
it is a shame this was not finished. this might of had potential to be a gem among the community.
there isn't much else i can say.

worth checking out to see a small portion of what the engine is capable of.

The Mirror Lied

random thoughts
i really like that title screen

the computer repeats its text "access denied requires access card"

that dam phone always rings when i cant get to it >.>

the plant watering went overboard it could of been a few less times.

beautiful mapping
beautiful music
no battles
great atmosphere

non existent/poor story (or symbolism for those that accept that?)
no characterization
grammar needs a little improvement
the scenario makes no sense

i don't recommend this.

Do You Remember My Lullaby

Beautiful mapping
Beautiful music
Beautiful atmosphere
Short (so the non-interactivity isn't a problem)

Awkward grammar
depressing story

Thoughts may include spoilers
Is this a story about a mother trying her best to put a smile on her sons face
or a son which is selfish thus treats his mother like garbage?
or a father who wants to ruin his ex wifes life?
the answer is all of the above. and the short version of it is i hate it.
reasons being obvious.

that aside there is a sense of irony in this experience that in reality at least in America. this is the mirror image of how it actually happens.
the father is the one giving money to the mother even his car,home and dignity.
even when she gets married and does not need anything...
i can image the mother in this story committing suicide that night having lost what is obviously the only thing she has to live for to the scum bag of a father.
who decided to have multiple children and not stay with the mother.

the reason people lean more to positive stories is because reality is already filled with despair. many wont admit it. and live in denial but that's how it is.

despite my thoughts on this i do recommend it as it stands out from generic games by far.



Fable of Heroes III: The Starcrystal

Ver 0.2
Random thoughts
Red what i consider important

i love when there are descriptions in the status menu! adds...depth to the experience!
but most people won't know what a personality type means with abbreviations.

unless the saves are not compatible that meta blade would be ownable if they kept backup XD
it gives no encounters!? sniff...i wish the previous game had something to negate random encounters. sniff
i hope we get to keep something that negates encounters for when the player gets tired of them. early in the game for that matter

colored text with gear :D

:D! the items are separated now! (thank you!)

cant rest in my bed again :( (got to go next door and pay 40 gold.)

when you click on save game it should not ask you if you want to save you game before going to the save slot screen.

preloaded maps FTL!

Angela is stupid :( why would you ask someone who does not remember you why they don't remember? do you really expect a answer?

...why...why....would angelea say what are the vipers doing when its was EXTREMELY CLEAR!? ...she even again asks what they want with "just a girl" what the hell is this!?
the characters are really stupid and its unbearable :/

when you decline darians "date" if you talk to him again it repeats every thing when it should only be one sentence. (basically "did you change your mind?")
(same with lexi i assume)

Lexi path
more illogical nonsense. viper maner is too far away for your starting town well to be connected to it.

polaris has a Dispel skill. its description is...odd. it "dispels any protective buff on allies"
why...would you want to do that?
it makes since if protective>negative
or if allies>enemies

you can skip going to vael where the mage lexi knows and go to other areas
this could be a major issue if dialog is not carefully written and even then its supposed to be part of the plot.
at least make death valley non-accessable until you do something there.

the naga at death mountain says "you have been messing up all my work" what is she talking about? it is random and confusing that she said this

AGI is always a stat that should be explained. as its not clear for each game what its for.does it only decide the order your party attacks? as it seems you pretty much always attack first anyway.if that's all then equipment that raises that stat has no point.

there should of been some dialog in vael with lexi commenting on how dasten is not there and where they should go next

a green baret has more defense then a iron helm! something is wrong here!

its weird how this takes place in the same timeline as the previous game yet the world looks so different.
the starting town name is the same as the previous game yet its different.
and the castle location and town are different

WTF!? how they were able to kill the previous main characters!? they defeated a god! (and endless enemies) i call bullshit!
tho i was wondering if we would get to see fact why would they bother? the daughter and dad were just going around the world helping people. this doesn't make sense.why were they there?

that choice to kill mason was so satisfying! :D
Damien path
you can skip going to viper maner go go through death valley instead

when you steal it says it has no effect. this leads me to believe that steal does not work on the enemy when it does.
you should change this

how does darien know that a prison sentry is in the bath house? as far as we are aware this is his first time here.
and we just got out of dinner.

lexi was captured and put in jail! a shame we cant save her :(
i find it interesting tho polaris should of been in that cell as she was captured first her cell should not have changed

I am surprised Dasten did not request we break lexi out of prison. that's normally how a plot goes.

if you save lexi 2 guys take the star crystal and go to the meeting room. it does not make sense that we cannot take it from them (unless i misunderstood and they don't have it)

maybe i missed it but...on this path and if you do not save lexi why are we going to the castle? we are supposed to find star crystal and we don't have a reason to come here to find it.

you get such amazing things with darious you should pick him at the start! his lock pick gives you amazing stuff!
sadly theres no benefit to lexi and you can still obtain her if you wanted too.
its a shame she doesn't have a special feature that applies to her.

aww the path to your home town is blocked off :O

General 3H+
Maybe because of the encounter negate in the demo i enjoyed this ALOT more then the previous game.
tho i admit the characters while still lacking any depth were somehow more interesting then the previous cast.

the plot has holes here and there but its fairly interesting.

the battles are average

while there is less places to take advantage of special ability's like moving boulders or opening locks.
this is made up for with the choices you ever the overall path you take does feel similar in the end which is a do get access to some different areas depending on your choices.

the world mapping felt improved a bit being less absurdly spacious.
the dungeons and towns were fine tho i noticed many maps were pre generated so i have seen them in other games.give or take minor changes

many design improvements have been made from the previous game while keeping its core game play.

when this is finished and completely polished.i would actually recommend this.

Kingdom Hearts: Another World

Random thoughts

The grammar needs work :(

pretty good start tho.
unique visuals for maps
nice menu
choices which may effect the game :3

move speed is slow. wish i could run

it says bulbasaur gives 5 xp but he actually gives 10
should check everything while your on this

the status screen needs to be fixed if you go into the menu>status>pikachu it shows soras stats instead.
switching characters while here will fix it tho.

i've never understood why you get a choice when its a situation you need to do to continue the game...
why is she even blocking the pokemon center door? why doesn't she go to the dam pokemon center!?

the fuck!? why is she here!? she just told me that she was going to heal ehr pokemon...this is bullshit!

every skill needs a description!

we don't get to keep pikachu? :/ okay i cant handle this anymore.

General Dropped (games tedious and illogical)
This needs a good amount of work but the grammar is the top priority.

i do not recommend


:( humans should be replaced with elves :(