

Problems with site loading properly

I know I have 7 for certain, but I'll at least give firefox a shot. Used to have it any way.

Problems with site loading properly

Is it just the fact that the site doesn't work right for me or is it that I just can't find the place to insert blogs, downloads, etc.?
An answer about where to look would be helpful.

how can an rpg be denied

Wait, do you need to put the download with the game with the submission or wait till it's accepted?
Probably before.
Can't seem to insert the files though.

Problems with site loading properly

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Problems with site loading properly

As far as I know I have the latest version of IE.

Problems with site loading properly

I'm using IE.
No, it has never worked. Since I've only logged on 3 times that's not much to work with though.

Problems with site loading properly

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this topic, but on the left-hand column where avatars and usernames would be there is just an empty white space.
When I go to my profile or manage games, screenshots, etc. everything runs together making a jumbled mess that's hard to navigate.

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

I know it's plentiful, but I hear the newer version have better engines. I don't konw. Maybe it's just my lack of skill right now.

Whatchu Workin' On? Tell us!

I'm working on my first game right now. Not as good as most of these other games. Decided to join so I could get some opinions on stuff. Mostly RTP stuff and then other things just don't match. Using RPG 2003 so I don't have the best stuff to work with I suppose.

What we did horribly on our first games.

I'm working on my first game right now. I'm hoping to be able to balance everything, but I know I won't be able to. I don't have enough unique stuff. Just basic RTP battle system. Trying to implement conversation trees to affect convos and events like in Mass Effect. I'll have to pay plenty of attention to keep it on track.
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